Kuwait Times

Health fees increase dropped patients’ numbers: Official

- By A Saleh

KUWAIT: Mubarak Hospital’s Manager Dr Nadia AlJumaa stressed that increasing health fees for expatriate­s had remarkably decreased outpatient appointmen­t waiting periods, adding that appointmen­ts that used to be made after a month can now be made in less than a week. Jumaa added that patients referred to the hospital from various clinics can now be seen by specialize­d doctors on the same day or within two days at most. “Citizens used to complain that they do not feel they are in their own country because of the crowds at various hospitals,” she stressed, noting that the numbers of Kuwaiti patients have increased after imposing the new fees. “However, we do not discrimina­te amongst patents,” she said. Jumaa added the hospital’s casualty department is understaff­ed and needs more doctors.

Fraud bill

Well-informed sources said the government submitted the unified GCC 18-article fraud bill which mainly focuses on following a unified customs law banning the import, reexport, production, manufactur­e, display, sale, storage, transport, marketing, handling, promoting or possession of counterfei­t or foul goods with the aim of selling them. The sources added that the bill also suggests legal accountabi­lity for those in possession or promoting the export of the aforementi­oned goods, as well as those involved in commercial fraud concerning the goods’ type, volume, measuremen­t, weight, caliber, nature, characteri­stics, components, origin, structure or validity and expiry dates.

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