Kuwait Times

57 killed in Kabul blast; Amir sends condolence­s


KABUL: An Islamic State suicide bomber killed at least 57 people including women and children and wounded 119 outside a voter registrati­on center in the Afghan capital Kabul yesterday in the latest attack on election preparatio­ns. The assaults underscore growing concerns about security in the lead-up to legislativ­e elections scheduled for Oct 20, which are seen as a test-run for next year’s presidenti­al poll.

HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a cable of condolence­s to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on the deaths in the bombing. HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent similar cables to the Afghan president. There were anguished and angry scenes at Isteqlal Hospital where many of the

victims were taken, with relatives criticizin­g the Afghan government for failing to protect their loved ones. “Our patience is running out. This government should take responsibi­lity for the lives of all these innocent people lost every day,” a man called Hussain, whose cousin was wounded in the blast, told AFP. “Nobody will go to vote anymore.”

The health ministry gave the latest toll for the attack, which was claimed by the Islamic State group via its propaganda arm Amaq. “They are civilians, including women and children,” interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish said earlier. The center in a heavily Shiite-populated neighborho­od in the west of the city was also being used by people to register for national identifica­tion certificat­es, which they need in order to sign up to vote.

“I found myself covered in blood, with dead people women and children - around me,” said Ali Rasuli, who had been standing in a queue outside the center when he saw a “fireball” in front of him. He was taken to hospital with leg and abdominal wounds. Sheets of paper and passport-sized photos lay scattered amid shattered glass and pools of blood on the street near badly damaged cars - grim evidence of the force of the blast.

“This senseless violence shows the cowardice and inhumanity of the enemies of democracy and peace in Afghanista­n,” US ambassador John Bass wrote on Twitter. NATO and the United Nations also condemned the bombing. The last major attack in Kabul was on March 21 when an IS suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowd celebratin­g the Persian New Year holiday and killed at least 33 people.

Ariana TV showed angry crowds shouting “Death to the government!” and “Death to the Taleban!” A wounded man in a hospital bed wept as he told the network: “I don’t know where my daughters are. God damn the attackers!” A witness to the attack named Akbar told Tolo TV: “Now we know the government cannot provide us security: we have to get armed and protect ourselves.”

Elsewhere, a roadside explosion in the northern province of Baghlan yesterday killed six people, including three women and two children. President Ghani condemned both attacks as “heinous”. Afghanista­n began registerin­g voters on April 14 for the long-delayed legislativ­e elections. Officials have acknowledg­ed that security is a major concern because the Taleban and other militant groups control or contest large swathes of the country.

Afghan police and troops have been tasked with protecting polling centers, even as they struggle to get the upper hand against insurgents on the battlefiel­d. Militants on Friday launched rockets at a voter registrati­on center in the northweste­rn province of Badghis, killing a police officer and wounding another person. Officials blamed the Taleban for the attack. On Tuesday gunmen attacked a voter registrati­on center in the central province of Ghor, kidnapping three election workers and two policemen. Taleban militants released the five on Thursday.

Over the next two months, authoritie­s hope to register up to 14 million adults at more than 7,000 polling centres for the parliament­ary and district council elections. Officials have been pushing people to register amid fears a low turnout will undermine the credibilit­y of the polls. Since the Persian New Year attack a tense calm had permeated the Afghan capital as people brace for the Taliban’s launch of its customary spring offensive.

The Taleban are under pressure to take up Ghani’s peace offer made in February but so far the group has given only a muted response. Some Western and Afghan officials expect 2018 to be a particular­ly bloody year. General John Nicholson, the top US and NATO commander in Afghanista­n, told Tolo TV last month that he expected the Taleban to carry out more suicide attacks this fighting season.

 ??  ?? KABUL: An Afghan reacts at the site of a suicide bombing outside a voter registrati­on center yesterday. — AFP
KABUL: An Afghan reacts at the site of a suicide bombing outside a voter registrati­on center yesterday. — AFP

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