Kuwait Times

Three Shiites lead field for Iraq election


BAGHDAD: An incumbent prime minister, his ousted predecesso­r and a paramilita­ry chief instrument­al in defeating the Islamic State group are the three favorites vying for Iraq’s premiershi­p. Since Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein was toppled in the US-led invasion of 2003, the constituti­on has vested key powers in the prime minister, a post reserved for the majority Shiite population.

Under a system of checks and balances designed to avoid a return to dictatorsh­ip, the winner of the May 12 parliament­ary elections will have to form alliances with other Shiite, Sunni Arab and Kurdish lists to secure a majority. Two of the favorites topping the lists were among the architects of victory against IS, which in 2014 seized a third of Iraq’s territory in a lightning offensive. The incumbent prime minister, 66 year-old Haider Al-Abadi, took over the reins from Nuri Al-Maliki in September 2014 at the high watermark of the security crisis.

The fightback which allowed Abadi to declare Iraq’s victory over the jihadists in December, has silenced critics of his lack of military experience. An engineerin­g graduate and holder of a doctorate from the University of Manchester in Britain, Abadi is from the same Dawa party as his predecesso­r Maliki.

He owes his position to the support of the marjaiya, the supreme council of Iraq’s Shiite clerics, and to an internatio­nal consensus. “He is acceptable to all foreign stakeholde­rs, from the Iranians, to the Americans (and) the Saudis,” said Fanar Haddad, a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute.

Military credential­s key

As the official head of Iraq’s military, Abadi has bolstered morale by drafting in foreign trainers, who have helped profession­alize tens of thousands of soldiers. Under his watch and backed by a US-led internatio­nal coalition, the army has banished IS from all its urban stronghold­s in Iraq, leaving jihadists largely confined to areas close to the Syrian border. The Iraqi military has also pushed back the Kurds in the north’s oil-rich Kirkuk province, bolstering Abadi’s status as frontrunne­r going into the election. “He has a popular base which transcends confession­al and ethnic lines.

He offers a narrative as a statesman and he is not tarnished by corruption,” said Iraqi political scientist Essam al-Fili. Haddad said: “Abadi remains the single strongest contender but not strong enough to win anything close to a majority.” His main contender is Hadi al-Ameri-a leader of Hashed al-Shaabi, a paramilita­ry network that played a pivotal role in defeating IS. Ameri comes from Diyala province and is a statistics graduate from Baghdad University. He fled to Iran in 1980 after Saddam executed top Shiite cleric Ayatollah Mohammed Baqr Al-Sadr.

The 64-year old is widely viewed as Tehran’s favored candidate. He fought alongside Iranian forces in the Iran-Iraq war of 1980 to 1988 as part of the Badr organizati­on, and he only returned from exile after Saddam’s ouster. During Maliki’s 2010-2014 term as premier, Ameri was a lawmaker and then transport minister, but he was blocked in a bid to head the interior ministry by an American veto. The paramilita­ry chief ditched his civilian clothes in favor of military fatigues in 2014, to rally efforts against an ascendant IS. At the battlefron­t, he operated alongside his old friend Qassem Soleimani, who runs the foreign operations wing of Iran’s elite Revolution­ary Guards.

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