Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re overwhelme­d with desire for change; be careful here as all of your well-laid plans could fall apart if you don t gain control of this wish. Cosmic and earthly timing on this clash and could disrupt your career path or current job. A new phase affects your emotional side; you find yourself longing for a stable home and family life. New fun things to occupy your off time bring rewards; make sure your new habits are good ones as they could be with you awhile. You feel stunted when trying to explain something to a new coworker; tread softly here to avoid saying something offensive. A window of opportunit­y to make changes around the home opens soon; be patient! Take time to figure out what you want to do and the best way to do it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Visiting new areas and meeting new people contribute to your learning experience. These activities create positive energy. Spending time with like-minded people is instrument­al in bringing good results. Entering a new phase brings your own good qualities to the fore; remember that appreciati­ng yourself is one of the most important gifts you can give to yourself. Fondness of an elder person or someone in authority grows. Your emotions run high as you work to create new beginnings and habits. Important discussion­s with family or friends could unfold later. You have an urge to make impulse choices and decisions; slow down and consider what s right. Your time is your own this evening as you settle in for a good book or movie.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’re able to look at the whole big picture, not just the immediate situation but from the beginning to eternity. Petty issues or disagreeme­nts seem so unimportan­t you barely notice what would have gotten on your last nerve before. Spiritual enlightenm­ent and expansion are prominent; this cycle creates loving energy that seems to grow! Remember to keep your beliefs intact and not permit yourself to fall into new ones too quickly. Someone who knows of your questions helps you with a few answers you re happy to receive. You’re reminded that solutions must be learned through trial and error. You sense someone you know is in trouble but you can’t put your finger on exactly who this is. Tonight, you consider your hopes and dreams.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re on the side of the underdog, the one less believed in and it pays. A general good, positive feeling penetrates any dark clouds or obstacles that come your way. Someone shocks you by coming to your defense; wonders happen every day, you know! You stumble upon some informatio­n that brings something to your attention; think before you act. Your emotions flare and become difficult to reign in when confronted with a sticky topic. Remember, not everyone means to offend you! You could feel that you can t do anything right; someone doesn’t like your beliefs or ethics. You appear to be out of touch but are by no means out of the loop; you re in a prime position to teach someone that it s not at all wise to judge a book by its cover.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, your temper joins with impulsive vibrations surroundin­g you now. Not the time to buy spontaneou­sly; emotional spending is strongly indicated but you can prevent this with forethough­t if you choose. New starts, clean slates, all manner of fresh beginnings are indicated within the newest cycle you have entered. There’s a spring in your step as you progress toward growth and evolution in your life and soul. You could feel stubborn energy noticeably lessening; you come to understand the process of advancing your journey. Your heart is with the underdog when you learn of a new situation at work. As you read and review material remember not to collapse yourself into new views too quickly. Take a thoughtful look at the night skies this evening.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

There could be objection to your beliefs or practices; let your spirit be calm as you control a tendency to say whatever you think. Being offended by backward thinking people is a waste of your energy. Communicat­ing isn’t easy for you at this time and it could be that this could save an ugly confrontat­ion. Several you spend time with agree with you and lend their support. You may find yourself attending a large lunch or dinner like a pot luck affair. Your passions run high but beware jumping into a negative situation out of pride; refusal to adjust your attitude could break something that can t be repaired. You enjoy a clear sense of direction, timing and efforts; the harder you work and plan the

better your circumstan­ces for now and far into the future.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You make no secret of your feelings and could lash out at someone for no reason. Your tendency is to be impulsive and hot headed just now. Your emotions are running high and you can t seem to slow down long enough to see what the problem is; you could be in the process of forming new habits so make sure they re good ones, they could be around for a while. The mood to forgive is strongly indicated and you accept this in silence; you’ll figure out more at a later date. You could experience joy on your road to discovery of deep spiritual enlightenm­ent, just remember to hold judgements until you have a chance to consider things. Your progress toward your goals is firmly in place, now you just have to keep doing your part to reach the end.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

A new acquaintan­ce puts you off when you get a shady vibe from them; you later investigat­e and learn you re exactly right to mistrust this person. An old coworker shows up looking for employment; this person is known for being a great asset. You may turn down an opportunit­y to make extra money for reasons only you know. You re not shy about letting your feelings be known. During the new cycle you’ve entered you’ll find support and encouragem­ent regarding the changes you re making in your life. You re-examine all aspects of your life all the way from beginning to end; pay attention to what you see and learn for future decisions. Tonight, the opposite sex is drawn to you, as though through a positive chemical reaction.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

An ongoing problem with someone younger explodes in an unpleasant clash. Someone who normally supports you disagrees. Your entering a period that creates spur of the moment choices and actions; while spontaneit­y can be exhilarati­ng, jumping the gun on important matters can be devastatin­g, so be careful. You sense your habits shifting, moving more to the center with nothing overdone or overindulg­ed in. Someone complains about your methods and tries hard to make a certain point! You could choose to go even further away from tradition just to prove that you can. Don t let what someone else thinks about your lifestyle mean too much; after all, you absolutely know you re a far stronger person than that, don t you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Intuition is stronger than usual and you don t like what it s telling you; relax, things are not as bad as you think. You change your appearance by trying a new hairstyle or color or possibly a new wardrobe. Poetry, art, the finer things in life bring joy to your day. You re beginning to see yourself in a new light; give yourself a pat on the back for effecting change. You’re known for your looks and untraditio­nal beliefs and ideas. People who know you like you. You make no secret of how you feel about a certain issue and are quick to jump into a situation without thinking; you need to work on reigning this in before you get into big trouble! All facets of spiritual existence grasp your interest as you indulge in a new, very telling book.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

All areas of mystic mysteries occupy your thoughts and actions now. Be careful not to collapse yourself into any beliefs until you get deep understand­ing of all the aspects they contain. Let your intuition be your guide as your become still and listen. There seems to be easy answers as you begin your studies; you have the energy to move forward with an open mind. Your sense of forgivenes­s dominates and you completely let something painful pass away. You could encounter challenges from those you don t agree with your journey; we re all entitled to our own opinions, aren’t we you have the ability to step back from confrontat­ions. You receive an invitation for an outing this evening from a person you would be wise to avoid.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Your need for sexual attention is prominent; your emotions are lifted by this type of attention. You want to be in the driver s seat and guide the situation; you don t get to make the choices you want. You have specific ideas about some investment opportunit­ies; go in, research then act accordingl­y. Intuition is strong and very clear; listen to this gift of the spirit when making up your mind about something personal. You long to know more about the mysteries of life; the cosmos holds many intriguing lessons and paths for you now. When you call on your unseen gifts they re available, ready and willing, just ask. You could remember a forgotten bill or appointmen­t as you relax and let your mind clear with a loved one later this evening.

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