Kuwait Times

Suicide revives concerns about Japan’s immigratio­n detention

At least eight detainees die in detention facilities


TOKYO: The suicide of an Indian man being held at an immigratio­n detention centre in Japan has sparked a hunger strike among detainees and revived concerns about conditions. Deepak Kumar was found dead on April 13 after apparently hanging himself in the shower at the Ushiku facility, northeast of Tokyo. At least eight detainees, including Kumar, have died in immigratio­n detention facilities since 2010, according to a tally by the Japan Associatio­n for Refugees (JAR), an NGO.

Kumar’s death prompted a hunger strike, with around 70 people at the Ushiku facility refusing food by Friday, according to an official, and reports that people held at other centers were also protesting. Around 1,000 people are held in immigratio­n detention centers around Japan, according to JAR, and there have long been concerns about conditions, with a series of deaths raising questions about medical access and oversight. Last year, a Vietnamese man died in the Ushiku facility after having a stroke, and in 2014 two detainees, an Iranian and a Cameroonia­n died there. “One death in ten years is too much,” said Eri Ishikawa, chair of JAR’s board.

“But in reality, in these three to five years, every year there has been an incidence of death among detainees,” she said. Authoritie­s deny that detainees are being mistreated or neglected. “We respect their human rights,” said Daisuke Akinaga, an official at the Ushiku facility. “We try to listen to them and meet their requests. For example, there was a complaint about cold inside the facility and we improved the situation,” he said. “Applicatio­ns for provisiona­l release are a different story. They have to go through proper procedures.”

Calls for reform

Detainees at the facilities are generally facing deportatio­n, but many are seeking asylum and can file for provisiona­l release while their claims are being processed. Kumar appears to have committed suicide after learning that his provisiona­l release request had been denied, said Kimiko Tanaka, 65, a long-time activist. “His provisiona­l release request had been turned down in March, but he only learned about it on April 12, according to a detainee who was sharing a room with him,” she said.

Kumar’s brother Sanju said that the family was devastated, and was calling for an investigat­ion. “There was no reason for him to commit suicide, he was a courageous man and had a fighting spirit,” he said from Ludhiana, in India’s Punjab state. “He called me a day before his death and was in a good mood. He promised to call again in five days.” “We don’t believe the authoritie­s and demand that his death be investigat­ed,” he added. Activists and rights group have long urged reforms to the immigratio­n detention system, including ending the practice of long-term detention, improving medical access and allowing independen­t oversight. They also criticize the government’s stringent rules on granting refugee status. Last year just 20 people out of nearly 20,000 applicants received asylum. The government says most applicants are economic migrants, but activists and the UN say Japan imposes onerous evidence requiremen­ts that can be impossible to meet, even for those in real danger.

Tanaka said Kumar had applied for asylum, though it was unclear on what grounds. “The man was detained almost the entire year after he arrived in Japan as a political refugee,” she said. “We have to once again realize the mercilessn­ess of Japan’s immigratio­n law and the refugee recognitio­n law.” Detainees allege that if they complain about medical problems to guards, they are simply handed sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication. “We are concerned that around 20 percent of the detainees are given medication like sleeping pills,” Ishikawa said. “There is no independen­t mechanism to monitor the situation.” A migrant detained under a deportatio­n order can be held indefinite­ly, a situation Tanaka described as deeply damaging.

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