Kuwait Times

Robbie feels more ‘emotionall­y invested’ as a producer


Margot Robbie feels more emotionall­y invested in a movie when she’s producing the project. The 28-year-old star - who is best known for her acting talents - serves as a producer on her new movie ‘Terminal’, in which she also plays the lead role, and Margot has admitted to feeling hugely passionate about the thriller film. Asked whether producing complement­s acting or whether it gives her something acting doesn’t, Margot replied: “It actually works hand in hand with acting. I assumed it would be more of a conflict of interests, trying to split myself between the two roles. But actually, I feel like it made me better at each job, being so involved. “And actually it does give me something I don’t get just from acting ... you know, feeling like, ‘Oh, that’s our project.’ As opposed to I got to be a part of someone’s project.” The Australian actress explained that having such a hands-on role with the movie means she feels more emotionall­y attached to the film. In fact, Margot likened the scenario to raising a child. She told Flickering Myth: “When you’re there from the inception of the idea, to the developmen­t, to the pre-production, to the production - which you’re there as an actor anyway - to post-production, marketing, distributi­on ... all that kind of stuff, you live with it for years. “And after years, it’s like your baby and you have a greater sense of ownership over it. And therefore, a greater emotional investment, I think.” — Bang Showbiz

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