Kuwait Times

Statement by the Palestinia­n community in Kuwait


Almighty Allah said: Those to whom hypocrites said, “indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.” But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, “sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best disposer of affairs.” (3:173).

The Zionist behavior by the occupying state is to implement its settlement projects in the Palestinia­n territorie­s, particular­ly Jerusalem, in Khan Al-Ahmar area, its continued siege of Gaza, its Judaizatio­n of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the state of Palestine, the cradle of faiths, and all that it has of Islamic and Christian spirituali­ty, and the practices of settlers storming and desecratin­g AlAqsa mosque along with attacks on the elderly, women and children, depriving them from the basic humanitari­an rights to worship freely and in peace.

The decision of the Zionist Knesset passing the racist Zionist nationalis­m on July 19, 2017, based on ethnic superiorit­y and denial of the existence of the Palestinia­n people, is only a continuati­on of the occupation state policy in ignoring the rights of our Palestinia­n people with the support of the United States of America, which disclaimed its internatio­nal obligation­s and stepped over traditions and laws in its support of the occupation state by the transfer of its embassy to Jerusalem and its hard attempts to dismantle UNRWA and financial restrictio­ns against it, and to halt its functionin­g as a prelude to bypass the right of refugees’ repatriati­on, the latest of which was stopping support to hospitals in occupied Jerusalem and the closure of the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on (PLO) offices in Washington.

We, the Palestinia­n community in our beloved Kuwait, call upon all Palestinia­ns everywhere to stand as one in support of President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) during his address to the United Nations in its 73rd session, and affirm the support of Palestinia­n legitimacy in presenting a national and patriotic strategy through the achievemen­t of the rights and longings of our people in the form of freedom, independen­ce and establishm­ent of the Palestinia­n state with its eternal capital Jerusalem, which without it, there will not be a solution and peace.

We, the Palestinia­n community in Kuwait, affirm our support of our leadership, represente­d by PLO, in its confrontat­ion of suspicious deals. Our people, who have the longest popular revolution of modern history, announce that our leadership will not bargain over the rights of our people, and peace starts from Palestine and there is no peace without Jerusalem and the right to return.

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