Kuwait Times




1. The ratio of the distance traveled (in miles) to the time spent traveling (in hours).

4. East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient.

11. A male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917).

15. The seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located adv.

16. The branch of medicine concerned with the ear.

17. An island of central Hawaii (between Molokai and Kauai).

18. To make a mistake or be incorrect.

19. The scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting).

21. Cold-water fish caught in Lake Superior and northward.

23. (statistics) Relating to or constituti­ng the most frequent value in a distributi­on.

25. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs northeast into the Rhine.

26. A consecrate­d ointment consisting of a mixture of oil and balsam.

28. God of war.

30. Ski downhill.

32. A state of northeaste­rn India.

33. A profession­al cook.

34. The dynasty that ruled much of Manchuria and northeaste­rn China from 947 to 1125.

40. Tropical and subtropica­l marine and freshwater fishes having an elongated body and long protruding lower jaw.

42. Officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch.

44. Being nine more than ninety.

45. (used of count nouns) Every one considered individual­ly.

46. A cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktie.

47. A gray lustrous metallic element of the rare earth group.

52. A percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the dance.

54. Noisy quarrel.

56. Essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers.

58. Angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object).

62. Primitive chlorophyl­l-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves.

64. A workplace for the conduct of scientific research.

66. Foul with waste matter.

68. A native-born Israeli.

70. Tropical American tree grown in southern United States having a whitish pinktinged fruit.

73. In or of the present month.

74. A benevolent aspect of Devi.

75. Of or relating to plants or botany.

77. A network of intersecti­ng blood vessels or intersecti­ng nerves or intersecti­ng lymph vessels.

78. A small piece of cloth.

79. Capital of Swaziland.

80. The sixth month of the civil year.


1. One thousandth of a second.

2. A beautiful and graceful girl.

3. English astronomer (son of William Herschel) who extended the catalogue of stars to the southern hemisphere and did pioneering work in photograph­y (17921871).

4. A flag that shows its nationalit­y.

5. A member of the Siouan people inhabiting the valleys of the Platte and Missouri rivers in Nebraska.

6. Mythical bird of prey having enormous size and strength.

7. The mission in San Antonio where in 1836 Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independen­t of Mexico.

8. The capital and largest city of Sri Lanka.

9. Advanced in years.

10. A Mid-Atlantic state.

11. A prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill.

12. Large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and sweetpulp seed pods eaten by cattle.

13. Having the leading position or higher score in a contest.

14. Father of the storm gods Marut.

20. A non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbo­n with the general formula CnH(2n+2).

22. Blow hard and loudly.

24. The residue that remains when something is burned.

27. A small island.

29. A colorless and odorless inert gas.

31. Grayish baboon of southern and eastern Africa.

35. The United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy.

36. Jordan's port.

37. (Roman mythology) God of love.

38. An island in Indonesia east of Java.

39. Type genus of the Anatidae.

41. Any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth gray bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs.

43. Be obedient to.

48. An Arab country on the peninsula of Qatar.

49. Any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples.

50. A short introducto­ry essay preceding the text of a book.

51. The basic unit of money in Western Samoa.

53. A motley assortment of things.

55. A state in southeaste­rn United States between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.

57. An Indian side dish of yogurt and chopped cucumbers and spices.

59. (of complexion) Blemished by imperfecti­ons of the skin.

60. Follower of Rastafaria­nism.

61. Cause to change.

63. A Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism.

65. Divulge informatio­n or secrets.

67. A genus of Mustelidae.

69. A defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming interconti­nental ballistic missiles.

71. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods.

72. A unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour.

76. A Russian river.

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