Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

A desire to be part of the crowd comes over you today. You will find great satisfacti­on surroundin­g yourself with others. Playing a part in the lives of those you care deeply for is where you will find the most satisfacti­on. Different opinions and being able to share your thoughts with others will be very beneficial to you today. Seeing problems from the eyes of someone else always seems to make finding solutions easier and helps you put things into perspectiv­e. This should be a very enlighteni­ng time for you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Nothing should come as natural for you today as your sense of belonging and self-confidence. You may find yourself craving an intimate lasting connection with someone. The need for that person is very strong today. You may feel as if a “me and you against the world” relationsh­ip is what you crave. A strong need for respect may be a driving force in your world today, Taurus. You are strong and confident, and these are qualities that attract others to you. You may find yourself the recipient of many compliment­s today. Remember being the center of attention can also bring out jealousy in others. Choose your company wisely.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Understand­ing is a good word to represent what today may bring to you. A deep understand­ing of yourself, your thoughts, and your moods! A day of understand­ing of those who surround you. An ability to communicat­e and captivate all who are in your presence. Life is becoming uncomplica­ted and simple to you. From dreams to the super natural all these things stir deep emotions within you Gemini. Today is a great day to let your creativity flow. The more you open up to others the more they seem to be willing to open up to you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

What a day! It seems as everything is happening all at once. It is all good news. Things just don’t get any better than this. Today is a day you will find easy solutions to old problems. A day of happiness. You may find you have a special bond with someone older or in authority. You may feel as if you are living in a fairytale. Enjoy your time to shine.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Just because something is easy doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do or the right way to handle a situation. You may find yourself involved in a situation you need to put great thought into before you act. Actions have consequenc­es. Be sure you are ready to face them. Hard work and determinat­ion will help you acquire your goal. Remember, avoid taking the easy way out.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The sky is the limit for you today. You are optimistic and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. You have faith and are willing to take chances on an emotional level that may bring great reward and happiness your way. You may be deep within your feelings and have a desire to experience something new. An emotional wanderlust, if you will, is the desire of your heart. Today you are all about you. Your wants, needs, and desires, take over and all you can do is pursue what your heart wants. This is a very productive day for you physically and emotionall­y. You will find peace and happiness in accomplish­ing the goals you have set for yourself today. Reach for the stars! You may just be the one that can touch them.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Far from reality is where you may find your thoughts today. Dreaming of what the future holds can lead to peace and clarity in your life. Set a goal. Picture yourself accomplish­ing this goal. Imagine how you will feel once your dream becomes a reality. Make a list of everything you need to do to accomplish this. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it happen. Dedication and determinat­ion can lead you to the position in life you wish to be. Love to learn and learn to love, Libra. The world has much more to offer you. Know this and own it!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You have devoted yourself to your career and family life. You may find yourself craving respect for all you have done. You feel as though you have all aspects of your life organized and planned and are on the road to success. You may find it very easy for you to organize the lives of those around you. You may find that ambition is a main focus at this time and you are taking on any and every project in the work place that is offered. You are a born leader and tend to readily take on any opportunit­y that comes your way. Be sure to stay focused and prioritize all your duties, Scorpio as to not become overwhelme­d.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You may find yourself extremely creative today. This is a great way to express your emotions and feelings as well as having new experience­s. You may feel drawn to take chances, take a new and different approach to problem solving or just change your routine all together. You are more willing at this time to take financial risk. Hopefully this will lead you towards the stock market rather than the casino. Either direction you may choose you are in the mood to do a bit of gambling. Good luck with this, Sagittariu­s. May the risks you take be profitable.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Deep thought and meditation may be in order. The easy way is not always the best way. You may have learned the biggest rewards come with the biggest challenges. All work and no play also can cause your sensitivit­y to be stifled. Work on finding a balance between your personal life and career. We all need to step back and take a deep breath sometime. This is your time to breathe. Personal growth is a priority. Do not let pursuit of wealth and your career stand in the way of this.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Imaging can be a powerful tool for attaining your goal. Remember when you were a child and could be anybody you wanted to be just by pretending? Some athletes have found that imagining themselves shooting long shots or hitting the baseball out of the park is a good substitute when they can’t physically practice. Find a quiet place and image yourself being the person you wish you were. Pretend you are being assertive when someone takes advantage of you. Image yourself telling a coworker what you need from her. With a little practice, you will find yourself doing those things naturally.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Good communicat­ion is an asset in any relationsh­ip, whether it is business or personal. When people won’t listen to you, listen to them. If you are not sure what they are saying, ask questions. Repeat what you heard and ask if you heard it correctly. The listener will appreciate that you are giving your full attention. The more you hear, the better you will understand the speaker. Conversely, when you talk, be sure the other person understand­s what you are saying. You may need to repeat your message or present it in more than one way.

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