Kuwait Times

1973 October war reflective of Arab strength


SUEZ: The 1973 October, which pitched Arab forces against Israel in the Sinai region and elsewhere, was reflective of the strength and solidarity of Arab nations against a common foe, said a Kuwaiti diplomat Saturday. Speaking on the occasion of the 45th anniversar­y of the October war and his visit to Kuwaiti soldiers’ graves in Suez governorat­e, Kuwait’s Ambassador to Egypt Mohammad Al-Thuwaikh said that the war was a victorious event in Arab history, standing as a testament for Arabs’ just cause against the Israeli aggressors.

The Ambassador took a chance to remind people of the brave actions undertaken by Arab troops, namely the Egyptian army, which took command of the armies including soldiers from Kuwait and elsewhere. Kuwaiti troops stood alongside Arab brethren on both the Suez and Golan heights fronts in an act of defiance against Israel, said the Ambassador who affirmed that Kuwait’s stance with Egypt went beyond the military field to include other domains such as politics, economy and others.

Speaking to KUNA on the occasion, the Suez province governor Abdulmagid Saqer expressed his pride in the victories achieved during the October war, affirming that Kuwait and other Arab nations played an important part in the war. The presence of some 20 graves of Kuwaiti soldiers in the region is evident of the strong relations linking Kuwait and Egypt especially when both people fought a common enemy for the right of land and dignity, he said. Saqer thanked the Kuwaiti leadership and people for their sincere wishes during this tremendous occasion, indicating that Egypt and Kuwait will always fend off together enemies and foes meaning harm to the Arab countries. —KUNA

 ??  ?? SUEZ: Kuwait’s Ambassador to Egypt Mohammad Al-Thuwaikh pays his respect at the graves of the fallen Kuwaiti soldiers. — KUNA
SUEZ: Kuwait’s Ambassador to Egypt Mohammad Al-Thuwaikh pays his respect at the graves of the fallen Kuwaiti soldiers. — KUNA

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