Kuwait Times

Criticism of Israeli policy not anti-Semitic

- By Dr James J Zogby

Iwas provoked to write this discussion of what is and what isn’t anti-Semitism by an article in Ha’aretz on the “controvers­y” created by the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to George P Smith. According to the reporting, Dr Smith is not only a brilliant scientist whose work has helped lead to the creation of new drugs that can treat cancer and a range of autoimmune diseases, he is also an outspoken supporter of Palestinia­n rights and a critic of Israeli policies.

The Ha’aretz piece notes that Dr. Smith has long been “a target of pro-Israel groups” and is listed on “the controvers­ial Canary Mission website” - used by supporters of Israel to harass and silence critics. As I read through the article looking for evidence of Smith’s sins, I found quotes saying that he “wished ‘not for Israel’s Jewish population to be expelled’ but ‘an end to the discrimina­tory regime in Palestine’.”

At another point, Ha’aretz quotes from an op-ed written by Smith condemning Israeli policies in Gaza which he concludes by expressing his support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) calling it “Palestinia­n civil society’s call for the global community of conscience to ostracize Israeli businesses and institutio­ns until Israel repudiates [their violence against Palestinia­ns] and the Palestinia­n people, including the exiles, achieve full equality with the Jews in their shared homeland.”

I read all of this in the context of this worrisome campaign that is unfolding here in the US to silence critics of Israel or the exclusivis­t vision of Political Zionism. It is a well-funded multi-pronged effort, one component of which is the shadowy Canary Mission website that publishes the names, photos, and background­s of pro-Palestinia­n students and professors terming them anti-Semites or supporters of terrorism. It does so with the expressed purpose of harming their careers.

The Canary Mission list is also used to taint and smear these activists to intimidate politician­s from engaging with them. And the lists have been used by the Israeli government to deny entry to, in particular, Palestinia­n Americans or progressiv­e Americans Jews seeking to see family, study, teach, or simply visit that country. While the Canary Mission has done its best to keep its operations, leadership, and funding secret, recent articles published in the Jewish press have revealed that the project has been financiall­y supported by some mainstream American Jewish philanthro­pic entities.

In addition to the Canary Mission there is the campaign that seeks to criminaliz­e support for BDS or to penalize supporters of the movement to hold Israel accountabl­e for its systematic violations of Palestinia­n rights. This effort is massively funded by the likes of Sheldon Adelson and we now learn, also from a recent expose in a prominent American Jewish newspaper, by millions of dollars funneled to the campaign from the government of Israel. Then there is legislatio­n currently pending in Congress designed to make boycotting Israel a crime, complement­ing the 25 states that have already passed laws denying salaries, contracts or benefits to individual­s who support BDS.

Finally, in a replay of the effort that pressed the UK’s Labour Party to define criticism of Israel as antiSemiti­c, Trump’s appointmen­t to lead the Civil Rights Office at the US Department of Education has made clear his intent to investigat­e anti-Israel activism on college campuses as forms of anti-Semitism. And there is legislatio­n pending in Congress - the Antisemiti­sm Awareness Act. Both this bill and the action by Kenneth Marcus at the Education Department seek to extend the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel.


In reflecting on these developmen­ts, there are several observatio­ns that should be made: anti-Semitism is real, ugly, and dangerous; criticism of Israel is not antiSemiti­sm; and the effort to conflate the two not only silences needed debate, it distracts from the effort to root out real anti-Semitism, a scourge that has created great pain and enormous suffering in human history.

Anti-Semitism is hatred toward Jews - individual­ly and as a group. It is also the attributio­n of evil intent or negative qualities to individual­s or a group just because they are Jews. On the other hand, criticism of Israeli policy is not anti-Semitic. When Dr Smith has criticized Israel’s massacres at the Gaza border or its systematic denial of equal rights and justice to Palestinia­ns, he is not attributin­g this behavior to their religion or even suggesting that this behavior is due to their being Jews.

For example, he is not saying “Israel is oppressing Palestinia­ns because that’s the way Jews behave.” Nor is he saying that all Jews, as a group, are responsibl­e for these actions - this would be anti-Semitic. He said no such thing. The only reason to target Smith and those, like him, who critique the policies of the state (that by the way are not supported by all Israelis or Jews, worldwide) is to silence their voices.

NOTE: Dr James J Zogby is the President of the Arab American Institute

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