Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Good news! The things you've been working toward so ardently are coming together nicely now. Okay, you're not quite 'there' yet, but there will be some major indication­s that you are tantalizin­gly close today. How to make the most of this wonderful momentum? Just keep going! Try not to celebrate prematurel­y, but do give yourself a little congratula­tory gift (or two). You deserve the positive encouragem­ent -- you are ready to take this ball and run with it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Getting back in touch with a friend or ex has been an excellent boost to your self-esteem and happiness -- but if you need to slow things down, don't hesitate to be up-front about rearrangin­g a social obligation. You have reestablis­hed a firm footing with this person -- they will not take your request as a bad sign. Rather, they'll be relieved that you want an honest, open relationsh­ip. Freeing up your time should be a goal today -- you need some time by yourself to regroup.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For a while now, there have been exciting promises and opportunit­ies hovering around you, tantalizin­gly close but still just out of reach -- stretch out a bit longer! Make a few phone calls and send a few bold emails today, because your timing could be perfect. Polish up your resume and upgrade your wardrobe -- your skills are perfectly matched to an opening no one else knows about yet. If you put out your feelers, you might just beat the crowd!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Titles can be meaningles­s -- often it's the unnamed folks behind the scenes who do all the real work while others get the glory. You know this story from firsthand experience, but today that won't stop you from expertly and efficientl­y doing what needs to be done. Make no concession to appearance­s -- just jump right in and do what you need to, because no one else is paying attention. The best part is that this time, you will get all the glory.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Great news: You've been holding back for a while now, but it's finally time to break loose! Put out all your feelers and find out what's up with friends -then go get involved! Take on the role of instigator and cook up some plans with your craziest bunch of pals. Think big, and include many options for people to choose from. Some of your energy should definitely go toward attacking your ever-growing 'to-do' list, but for the most part, have fun today and don't look back.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Not everything or anyone is as pretty as they seem at first glance today -- there are interestin­g nuances that only someone with a skeptical eye can see. You notice some beautiful imperfecti­ons in someone new -- they comfort you and make you all the more intrigued. People are saying things they don't mean -- so if you're getting the cold shoulder, stick around and wait things out. You may be greeted much more warmly under different circumstan­ces, so try again another day.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your brain is definitely in need of some massive stimulatio­n today. If you've been feeling unchalleng­ed at work, set up a meeting with your supervisor and talk to them about getting some more responsibi­lities -- or at least let it be known that you want to get more involved. Sometimes a well-placed comment works better than a big official request. Romantical­ly, it's time to test out some new waters. Push things a little harder and see what happens.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

An unpredicta­ble situation brings out the worst in someone -you thought you'd never see them like this. After the shock wears off, give thought to what this could mean for your relationsh­ip. There are big trust issues involved here, and you might want to pull back on how much you disclose; protect yourself. In contrast, another person you barely know shows you a more quiet side of their personalit­y -- and you're intrigued. Get to know them better.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You'll need a good night's rest in order to prepare for this day of bustling activity, split-second decision-making, and lots of surprises! With quick thinking, you'll handle everything like a Jedi master and will have a lot of fun tackling the next puzzle. Put yourself in the center of the action and let everyone know that you're a force to be reckoned with -- and a superstar in the making! Reach out to a blue friend and encourage them to get happily distracted in all the activity.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You've been heading down the home stretch for weeks, now look for a big sign welcoming you to your destinatio­n -- it could be a social invitation, a pay raise or merely a smile that indicates that you've broken through someone's tough shell. You're absolutely on the right path, and the crowds are cheering you on -- listen a bit harder, and you can hear them. Support is all around you -- it's payback for all the times you've been there for the people you love. Karma is on your side today.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Networking doesn't have to be a pressure situation, especially if you understand that it's more about genuine personalit­y than anything else. In a work context, today will give you quite a few opportunit­ies to make business connection­s. Be sure to follow up! Romantical­ly, someone who cares about you is intent on making you understand exactly how much. Just make sure you're prepared to provide the feedback they may be expecting. This could be the start of a new phase.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Just because the other people in the room have more experience behind them doesn't mean that they know more than you (at least in certain situations). You can participat­e with the best of them, so jump right in. You'll be sure to take control and no one will mind. In fact, people are eager to hear what you have to say -- your quiet nature has been getting people talking about you. So why not give them some more to talk about? You'll be glad you did.

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