Kuwait Times

Honduras zoo struggles to replace the drug money that built it


An imposingly tall giraffe, powerful African lions and proud Bengal tigers are among the many highlights of a zoocreated by wealthy drug trafficker­s-that is like a Garden of Eden in the green mountains of Honduras. But the Joya Grande animal park is now languishin­g because of a shortage of funds. The zoo was allegedly modeled after the Hacienda Napoles-the vast estate of the late Colombian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar-by a violent Honduran cartel known as the Cachiros, which was sanctioned by the United States in 2013. “The eco-park was very profitable, it was new, we had a lot of investment, but now we lack the capital that the owners had” since their arrests, biologist and zoo manager Maria Diaz told AFP.

Diaz, who is Guatemalan, is desperatel­y hoping for government economic assistance to keep the park going. Four months of demonstrat­ions against the re-election last November of President Juan Orlando Hernandez blocked the main access road to the zoo, sharply curtailing the number of visitors. The facility sits atop a hill 150 kilometers (95 miles) north of the capital city Tegucigalp­a. A sign formed of white stones set on a grassy hillside welcomes tourists with the words “Great Jewel Zoo.”

The giraffe stretches out its neck to greet visitors, while zebras leisurely munch on hay in a nearby corral. Further down a steep slope are enclosures for deer, camels and big, pig-like tapirs-including a newborn-as well as the pools in which hippos wallow. Next come cages and enclosures containing powerful members of the cat family-African lions, Bengal tigers, jaguars and pumas-followed by bison, llamas, wildebeest, ostriches, peacocks and other exotic animals.

Visitors can rent water bicycles, ride horses or enjoy the zoo’s cafeterias, pools and restaurant­s, as well as the 15 cabins for tourists-who are sorely lacking. Honduras’s Office of Seized Assets (OABI) confiscate­d the facility from the drug cartel in April 2014, at which point the biologist Diaz-who had been in charge of caring for the animals-managed to obtain a government concession to operate the place for $7,400 a month.

In crisis

To oversee the administra­tion of the park and its hundreds of animals, she created a firm called Noah’s Ark Veterinari­an Services. The park was doing well financiall­y until the protests against President Hernandez erupted. At the same time, the OABI and the public prosecutor’s office seized 200 animals on grounds of mistreatme­nt, further eroding the park’s allure. Even if no one comes, Diaz said, “we have to pay our employees and suppliersa­nd the animals will always have to eat.”

The salaries of 65 employees, food for the animals and the water and electric bills cost about $42,000 a month. With low visitor numbers, there is no clear way to pay off the zoo’s $83,000 in debt. Adding to the challenge, the nation’s economic situation has only become worse, meaning “people prefer to spend on essentials, and not on entertainm­ent, like visiting a zoo,” the biologist lamented. “We are hoping for a debt cancellati­on and a reduction of the monthly payment” to the OABI, said the animal-loving Diaz, who wore a safari suit during an interview in her office.

OABI director Jose Luis Andino told AFP he has lawyers examining whether Diaz’s requests are “legally possible.” He added that his office was “working with the people there to make the zoo sustainabl­e,” while trying to maintain and improve its facilities. The eco-park, he added, was not just a tourist attraction but has educationa­l value as well. Diaz says she cannot imagine ever closing the zoo, despite its steep financial challenges. “There are 500 animals that have to eat,” she said. “I love them all... and they love me.”—AFP

 ??  ?? General view of the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes department, 160 km north of Tegucigalp­a, Honduras.—AFP photos
General view of the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes department, 160 km north of Tegucigalp­a, Honduras.—AFP photos
 ??  ?? Japanese chicken and deer are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and ecopark.
Japanese chicken and deer are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and ecopark.
 ??  ?? A boat with visitors is seen at an artificial lake of the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
A boat with visitors is seen at an artificial lake of the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
 ??  ?? Youngsters pose as they prepare to play paintball at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
Youngsters pose as they prepare to play paintball at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
 ??  ?? A baboon is seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
A baboon is seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
 ??  ?? A worker touches a hippo at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park in Santa Cruz de Yojoa.
A worker touches a hippo at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park in Santa Cruz de Yojoa.
 ??  ?? Deer are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
Deer are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
 ??  ?? Tapirs are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
Tapirs are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
 ??  ?? Zebras are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
Zebras are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
 ??  ?? Visitors look at a giraffe at the Joya Grande zoo and ecopark.
Visitors look at a giraffe at the Joya Grande zoo and ecopark.
 ??  ?? A leopard plays with a coconut at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.
A leopard plays with a coconut at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park.

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