Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

All that is mysterious and taboo seem to draw you in. Curisosity may have killed the cat but that is a chance you are willing to take. You are craving excitement and long to experience something new. This is a great time of creativity for you. A change of scenery or a change of style are coming your way. You may be drawn to the unusual and avant garde. Out with the old and in with the new. Watch out world! Expect to turn some heads today.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You desire intimacy. You desire control of all aspects of your life at this time. You could be feeling driven and determined to gain power. You may feel hungry for knowledge. You desire the answers of life’s mysteries. You may feel as if you are in touch with everyone and everything around you , Taurus. Today may leave you feeling much love and support from those around you. Spend time with your special someone. Something as simple as opening up and sharing the details of your day may help you bond. The more open you are with those closest too you the more you will find they will share with you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Leave the major decisions for later, frustratio­n and other obstacles may seem to be in your way today. You seem to find yourself wanting to be more social. A desire to hit the town. You find pleasure in surroundin­g yourself with friends. Choose your company wisely as you could find yourself in conflict with someone close to you. You seem to know what to say and when to say it. Others are seeking your company, and this would be a great time to spend time with your siblings or neighbors. Today is a great day for an escape. Take in a movie or curl up with a book. This may just what you need to rest your mind and start tomorrow with a new outlook on life.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A time of major change in your life is upon you. It will be strange and unusual in many ways. Everything new, unusual, and revolution­ary seems to appeal to you now. A more eccentric side of you emerges. Thinking outside of the box may lead to a very profitable and creative invention. Let your thoughts lead you. You may find those close to you may be a bit uncomforta­ble with this unusual side of you, Cancer. Don’t worry. They will grow to love the new you.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You may feel a need for change is long overdue. You may want to break old habits and set out on a new path. You may find yourself drawn to a different lifestyle and find yourself going against the grain. You desire to be a part of a new and different crowd and feel as if something is pulling you in a direction beyond any comfort zone you have known. Today may find you lacking direction and this may lead to conflict in the work place as you appear lost with no focus. This is an internal conflict and there is no need to try to explain this to others close to you as it may cause frustratio­n when your ideas are not met with acceptance by others.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You are able to draw the attention of all who cross paths with you today. You are captivatin­g and intriguing. Your imaginatio­n and creativene­ss are in overdrive. Your mind is working faster than your hands can create or your mouth can speak. This is a very productive time for you if you can exercise patience. Your may find yourself with a strong desire for power and control. Make sure you work to fulfill these desires in a healthy manner.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A sense of cursiosity is overwhelmi­ng today. If you have a tendency for addiction, you want to be aware of your use of the internet. The temptation­s offered by social media, games, and unhealthy sites can be as real as the lures of alcohol and drugs. You may want to take stock of the time you spend on your electronic devices. Be aware how this time affects your health and outlook. Does it contribute to your mental health? Does it make you feel better or worse? Is it constructi­ve? Social media can be a good thing; but too much of a good thing can become a negative.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

It seems as if a need for nurturing is stronger than usual in your life. You feel a strong desire to not only care for others, but to have others care for you in return. You have a gift when it comes to sensing the needs of others. Finding someone who is the friend to you that you are to them is a deep desire for you. This is a time you may feel as if some changes need to be made in your world. Out with the old and in with the new seems very appealing to you. This is a time when you feel at your best when you are on the go.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You may feel a need for change is long overdue. You may want to break old habits and set out on a new path. You may find yourself drawn to a different lifestyle and find yourself going against the grain. You desire to be a part of a new and different crowd and feel as if something is pulling you in a direction beyond any comfort zone you have known. Today may find you lacking direction and this may lead to conflict in the work place as you appear lost with no focus. This is an internal conflict and there is no need to try to explain this to others close to you as it may cause frustratio­n when your ideas are not met with acceptance by others.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

If you have been debating on a new business approach, today is the day to make it happen. Much success will come your way. Make the pitch, present the proposal. Today is a day you will get the results you have been dreaming of. You are convincing and have a way with your words today. You will be able to make others see things your way. By the time you are through, those involved will see things your way and have the exact desires you do. Stay on top of news about money matters. This is a very profitable time for you.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You may find yourself wanting to broaden your horizons. You know this is a big world and your life is contained in a tiny square of it. It may be time to take a step out of that box and find what the world has to offer you. You could find it difficult to communicat­e with others today because you find your mind is a million miles away. Curiosity has taken a hold on you and you can’t seem to stay focused on the here and now. You may find this evening that a good book may be just what you need to find this escape you have been searching for. A good time for rest and relaxation is in order for you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You are making a difference in the lives of more people than you realize. You could qualify as a CREEP. That’s a good thing, a compliment. It is an acronym for Constantly Ready to Encourage Every Person. You tend to focus on the other person, not on yourself. You send the message “You are enough.” Don’t change the way you relate to people. Keep doing what you are doing. You don’t have to work at it. It comes naturally for you. Lifting others up lifts your spirits in return.

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