Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are fiercely independen­t, especially today. You have drive and ambition. You may be focused on a goal but may be drawn to accomplish it in a less convention­al manner than you normally would. You are bored with your usual routine and seeking a bit of change. Thinking outside the box may lead to some exciting new experience­s. This may also lead to recognitio­n for your creative thinking from those around you. The choices you make today will be clear and concise. These choices will also clearly be the correct ones and will be reap great rewards in the future from decisions made today.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You may find yourself with a desire to get down to the root of any problem that comes your way. You will not be able to take things lightly today. Be careful not to take everything too serious, as this can cause tension and bring stress into your world.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today finds you all about “YOU”! Your hard work and dedication seem to have finally paid off and you are on top of the world. You are admired by your peers and it seems as if the world is raining sunshine directly on you. You are on fire and seem to find sharing the spotlight with others and showering them with kindness, appreciati­on, and gratitude is extremely rewarding to you. You want to share this feeling and make sure others around you feel your gratitude and love. You feel as if you want everyone to feel this feeling. You are full of love of life and love of those all around you. A sense of pride and accomplish will fill your world for days to come.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today you may feel led by your heart maybe even more loving and emotional than usual. Today is a great day to spend time with someone you love. This closeness is something you long for. Intimacy and love are driving factors for you today. You could be extremely sensitive and emotionall­y unable to express your feelings to someone very close to you. This is something unfamiliar to you as your words usually flow with grace and style, Cancer. This may leave you feeling somewhat vulnerable.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You feel great about your accomplish­ments and position in life. You may feel as if you need to put forth as much hard work on your physical well-being as you put in other areas of your life. This may be a great time to join the gym, take the walk, or start the meal planning you have been thinking about. If you do not care for yourself physically you may not be able to continue the hard work. This a great time to take this seriously and set your goals. You should have much success in this area of your life. You are devoted and determined, and this should work out for you as well. Leo, this should be just what it takes to make you feel great about yourself.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You may find yourself realizing how special you are today. Appreciati­ng all your gifts and talents and feeling a sense of pride. This is a great time of communicat­ion with those around you as you are able to express your emotions clearly to others. Dedication and devotion have gotten you to this point in life and you in a position you can provide much help to others. You are in touch with not only your emotions but also very in touch with the needs and emotions of those close to you. This is a very nice time in your life. You may find someone close shows great support and sympathy to you today when a situation you encounter puts you in need of a listening ear.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Today seems to bring an awareness of a sense of time into your world. You aren’t getting any younger. You can honestly say with age has come wisdom. You are wise beyond your years and you have life experience to thank for that. You have succesfull­y turned every road block into a life lesson and learned from your mistakes. This awareness will be a guiding force in decisions that need to be made today. If one thing is certain, making the same mistakes you have made in the past is not an option. You have lived and learned. Be grateful for the bumpy road you have traveled. It is leading you straight to the ultimate goal you crave. Live, laugh, and learn, Libra. You’ve got this!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You may feel a need for seclusion today. Family is where you will find your comfort. Career decisions should be left for another time as you are just not feeling it. A great evening for game night or to spend just curled up watching movies with those you love. Grab a pizza and hide from the world. You need to relax and rid your mind of stress.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Romance is in the air and what your heart desires today. An emotional release is on the horizon. This is one of those days your heart is full. There is no more room inside and these emotions have to be shared with someone who is very special to you. A candlelit meal, a long talk, or cuddling on the couch with that special someone is in order. You may find you develop and even stronger bond this evening with someone close to you. Focus on the future and the one you want to spend it with Sagittariu­s. It is a time of nurturing and love for you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You may have discovered you are giving more than you are receiving. You have a tendency to give too much of yourself to others. This is a time you may need to turn your focus on you. Get serious about your health and mental wellbeing. Remember taking care of you is a necessity. You tend to see this as being selfish. Remember if you do not take care of you, you will not be able to continue the constant care you give to others. Feed your soul, spoil yourself, but most of all, learn to relax. Today is the day to take a deep breath, grab a quick nap, and face the world with a new refreshed attitude, Capricorn. Learn to put yourself first.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You may have been so focused lately you have been missing out on a social life. Today is a great day to get out and about. Hit the town but choose your company wisely as not to experience any conflict while doing so. Surround yourself with like-minded friends. Choose friends who are positive and share your love of life. You may find yourself experienci­ng a real spiritual awakening and the desire to share this with others. You should be pleasantly please at how receptive your friends are. A great day for you where the lines of communicat­ion open in all aspects of your world.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Imaging can be a powerful tool for attaining your goal. Remember when you were a child and could be anybody you wanted to be just by pretending? Some athletes have found that imagining themselves shooting long shots or hitting the baseball out of the park is a good substitute when they can’t physically practice. Find a quiet place and image yourself being the person you wish you were. Pretend you are being assertive when someone takes advantage of you. Image yourself telling a coworker what you need from her. With a little practice, you will find yourself doing those things naturally. The key to your happiness is your inner peace.

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