Kuwait Times

Gazans seek to escape blockade

Israel maintains a crippling blockade amid tight restrictio­ns


RAFAH: Separated from the impatient crowd by a flimsy barrier, Palestinia­n policemen read out names, their voices barely audible above the din. Those called file forward, relieved to finally be leaving the crowded and ramshackle Gaza Strip for neighborin­g Egypt, some for the first time. Many have a single large suitcase or holdall as they sit on benches in the gymnasium which serves as a waiting room in the southern Gazan town of Khan Yunis. From there, they board a bus for the Rafah border crossing to Egypt, about 20 minutes away.

Since mid-May, after five long years in which the frontier was largely closed, Egyptian authoritie­s have opened the crossing several days a week. About 200 people make the trip in a day, a small number compared to the nearly two million people crammed into Gaza. Yet it represents one of only two routes out of the strip and the only one not controlled by Israel. Since Islamists Hamas seized control of the 360 square kilometre territory in 2007, Israel has maintained a crippling blockade and imposes tight restrictio­ns on its sole people crossing.

For much of that time Egypt has opened its Rafah border only intermitte­ntly, meaning those leaving didn’t know if and when they may be able to return. Mosleh Derby, 21, waits in the sunshine, watching the tea and cigarette peddlers calling out their wares. A medical student in Cairo, he had not been home to Gaza for three years until June for fear of getting stuck. Despite registerin­g for his return journey with the Gazan authoritie­s in advance, Derby said he has been so delayed that he has already missed the first two weeks of class. Some students who paid extra fees travelled earlier, he claimed.

Thousands waiting

Inside the gymnasium, many travelers reluctantl­y admit having paid between $1,500 and $2,000 for what they call “coordinati­on” to travel. Hamas interior ministry spokesman Iyad AlBozum denied that Palestinia­n border officials took payments. “But some citizens can get in touch with officials on the Egyptian side of the crossing and make it easier for them to leave,” he said. Bozum said there is currently a list of thousands of Gazans waiting to exit the strip, who are notified online when their turn comes. Since Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was overthrown in 2013 and his Muslim Brotherhoo­d movement quashed, Egypt has kept its Gaza border largely closed. Cairo accuses Hamas, which began as an offshoot of the Brotherhoo­d, of supporting militants fighting its security forces in the largely uninhabite­d Sinai region bordering Gaza. Hundreds of soldiers and police have been killed. Egypt destroyed many tunnels for smuggling under the border, exacerbati­ng Gaza’s isolation.

But relations between Hamas and Egypt have thawed somewhat, allowing Rafah to be opened regularly since May. Only students, those in need of medical treatment, Muslim pilgrims or people with foreign citizenshi­p or residence papers are allowed through. The flow of travelers remains a trickle compared to the past, said Abdallah Shahin, 32, who has been a porter at the crossing for 15 years. Under Morsi, he said, “every day, 30 buses crossed the border, it was about 1,800 people.” Nowadays, he says, “those who leave do not come back, they emigrate.”

‘No return’

Such is the dream of an architectu­re student who gives his name only as Khalil. He wants to go back to Germany, where he was born but never obtained citizenshi­p. “One way, no return,” he said. “Abroad it’s different... someone creative can succeed.” Two of his friends have already left, he said, calculatin­g the cost for himself at more than $3,000, including at least $2,000 to get across the Rafah border. At the departure point the bus starts its engine to a cacophony of farewells.

“On the Egyptian side, if all goes well, you wait for around six hours. Otherwise you spend the night there and sleep at the border post,” said Derby, the medical student. The forced overnight stay is because of Sinai curfew regulation­s preventing travel at night, an Egyptian border official said. The remaining trip to Cairo is a long one, because of repeated stops at security checkpoint­s. “Before 2007 I used to arrive in Cairo in six hours, now it takes at least 48 hours,” said Hosam Al-Ajuri, 35, heading to complete his history studies in Egypt. Left behind in Khan Yunis is Aida Baraka, 52, who since June has been waiting for permission to visit her sick niece in Jordan. Although her name was not once of those posted online she came to try her luck anyway. “Where is the humanity?” she asked, her niqab revealing only her dark eyes. She accused Egypt of not doing enough to help. “The nearest ones to us are the Egyptians,” she said. “I want them to be human!”

 ??  ?? RAFAH: Palestinia­ns wait to travel to Egypt through the Rafah border crossing in the southern Gaza Strip. Since mid-May, after five long years in which the frontier was largely closed, Egyptian authoritie­s have opened the crossing several days a week. —AFP
RAFAH: Palestinia­ns wait to travel to Egypt through the Rafah border crossing in the southern Gaza Strip. Since mid-May, after five long years in which the frontier was largely closed, Egyptian authoritie­s have opened the crossing several days a week. —AFP

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