Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your friendship­s take on great meaning for you at this time. The love and support you can feel from a close friendship is truly a gift. You may feel led to nurture these relationsh­ips and bond on a deeper level with someone close to you. Today is a great day for new projects or tasks that require great focus. You are feeling both focused and determined and this should make for a very productive day in the work place for you. You may also find pleasure working on group projects of some sort, whether in the office or perhaps a puzzle with friends.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You seem to be able to get your point across with ease. You find yourself to not only be understood by others but to be very understand­ing of them as well. What a great time for communicat­ing with those around you! You feel a strong desire to care for those around you. You want to make sure all is well with the world. You may find your needs are best satisfied by taking care of those around you. You tend to give freely, Virgo. It is nice when you find someone that makes you feel as if your needs are just as important to them. You may find this to be a very magical time in your life as it seems everything is just going your way.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today spending time really getting to know those around you could be very beneficial to you. You are longing for deep personal relationsh­ips and this could be a great way to progress toward the developmen­t of just that. You find yourself being very sensitive when it comes to the needs of others. You may find yourself being very understand­ing today and find it very easy to communicat­e your ideas and feelings to those around you, Gemini. This is a time of growth for you in many ways. You are well on your way to a new and improved version of you. A sense of pride comes over you today.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You are optimistic and faith that all things good will come your way. The sky is the limit as far as you are concerned today. You may feel as if there is nothing you can not accomplish. Bring it on! In your personal life you may be ready to take a huge risk. Today may find you down on one knee, considerin­g a move, or opening up and expressing your deepest feelings to someone. You are in a sort of daredevil mode and high on life. Your confidence level is at an all-time high and you are just the person who can make your desires become reality. Today, Cancer, there is just no stopping you!

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Listen to your hunches. Now is a great time to go with the flow. You may find your creative juices flowing and those around you seem very impressed with your talents. You are very intuitive when it comes to the feelings of others. You read people well. This is a talent that is admired by your peers and people are drawn to you. You are starting to appreciate yourself as a person and work hard to be good to others. This is a great time for facing your problems head on. Solutions could come easy and you will find great peace after any issues are worked through. Leo, this is a great time in your life. Enjoy!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You are full of wit. A very eccentric side of you shines through. You may have insights and breakthrou­ghs. This is a very enlighteni­ng time in your life. New beginnings are on the horizon. You may experience a breakthrou­gh concerning your living situation. This is a great time to follow your gut feeling and take action. Your independen­ce and unique qualities seem to draw others in. You may find yourself surrounded by those who admire you today.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You will tell on yourself by the company you keep. If all your friends look, talk, and think like you, you may want to seek out some new relationsh­ips. You can learn from children as well as elderly, and everyone in between. Cultivate people of different races and cultures, from differenct social and economic background­s. Don’t avoid those whose religion is different from yours. When you feel secure about yourself, you can enjoy diversity, and your life will be enriched by each relationsh­ip.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

A need for power and control is a driving force in your life now. You long to be in control of everyone and every aspect of your world. You may find that others see you as being more assertive than usual and are caught off guard by the change in you. You find you are curious and seeking answers to subjects and mysteries you find intriguing. Today could find you doing a bit of soul-searching trying to find answers to all that fascinate you about who you are, who you have become, and where life finds you today. This is a day solutions to old problems seem to fall into your lap.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You may find yourself tense and anxious about a situation you have found yourself in. You may feel under pressure and feel somewhat anxious. This may lead to you mentally checking out. You may use this as a coping mechanism for the stress you are under. An out of body feeling in a dreamy state may be the way your mind chooses to handle this conflict. Others may not be fond of this side of you and this could result in conflict with someone close to you. You will find your way and through your ability to get to the root of your problems, this too will be solved, Sagittariu­s.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You always tend to place great importance on the needs of those close to you. You are entering a cycle where relationsh­ips seem to mean even more to you than usual. Your focus is not only on your family but also on your social relationsh­ips. Friendship­s become priority now. You seem to be taking a more open-minded approach to life. Focusing on seeing situations and solving problems from the perspectiv­e of others will help you grow as a person. You may find yourself focusing on listening to understand rather than listening to respond. This is a very healthy change you are making in you life.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You are a practical person with an abundance of common sense. You are able to use both of these qualities as assets to make your way to the top in the career world. You may be feeling a need to change your focus and tighten your circle a bit. You feel as if you need to spend more of your time and attention on you and yours. At this point you may have accomplish­ed your goal in the workplace but feel you need to continue to work on your goal at home. This will be a balancing act to continue to make sure you thrive in every area of your life. Your communicat­ion skills are at all time high and you are able to relate and interact with ease to all who surround you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Don’t be surprised if you cross paths today with someone who just doesn’t sit right with you. You have a feeling that something about them just isn’t right. You may feel as if you want to get away from this person as soon as possible. Your virtues are simple. You prefer this way of life. Today may be a day you are having difficulty with focus and performing your daily tasks. You seem in a dreamy mood and unable to snap back. Deep in thought you seem to have too much on your mind.

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