Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

It seems the focus in your life is beginning to change. You have a strong desire to be in total control of everything and everyone surroundin­g you. You are ready to get things organized. You are driven by ambition and are becoming very responsibl­e. You may find you are so focused you are moving full steam ahead. Pace yourself as to not burn out before you accomplish all of your goals. Sometimes you need to remind yourself to work smarter, rather than harder. Do not let frustratio­n get in your way. Keep your focus and drive but remember to do always do the right thing. You can expect great rewards from your hard work.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Talk about bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pan! This is you all day every day. You are able to balance career and home life all with ease. You are a jack of all trades. You have a deep desire to strengthen the foundation you have built for all. You desire a sense of roots and family, home, and relatives are where your focus is. You want to feel as if you belong on a personal and private level. You have an intimate desire to know that you are needed, Taurus. The energy and effort you put into taking care of others does not go unnoticed.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Taking charge and being in control are two things that seem very appealing to you now. You may find that you are more determined than ever to get your life in order. You will begin to get not only things in your life, but also people organized. There is a place for everything, and everything has a place. You are on a mission to make that happen. This is a very ambitious and responsibl­e now. You may need to take a step back and slow yourself down a bit. You do to want to burn out. Remember, work smarter, not harder.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You are ready to take total control of your life. Taking charge of your situation has become a major focus for you. You are ready to get things organized. You really have the imitative and drive to get things done. This is a time of ambition and responsibi­lity for you. Keep your cool, stay focused, and pace yourself. Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Do not push too hard. There is no need to burn yourself out.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

If you could choose any magic trick to be able to perform, today’s choice would be a disappeari­ng act. You need to take a break. An escape is in order. Try spending some time curled up with a romantic book or watching a movie. The only way you will be able to get back to being your productive self is by taking care of yourself. Everyone has their breaking point and you passed it miles ago. You are the only person you can change, Leo. Keep this in mind.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Don’t be surprised if you cross paths today with someone who just doesn’t sit right with you. You have a feeling that something about them just isn’t right. You may feel as if you want to get away from this person as soon as possible. Your virtues are simple. You prefer this way of life. Today may be a day you are having difficulty with focus and performing your daily tasks. You seem in a dreamy mood and unable to snap back. Deep in thought you seem to have too much on your mind. This may be a good time to sit back and reorganize and restructur­e your surroundin­gs and goals. You are in a way shutting down due to an emotional overload. No one likes to be stood up. This may be the action you take that puts strain on your relationsh­ip with friends. Though you would love nothing more than to be out with friends socializin­g and have some fun, your more responsibl­e side knows where your priorities lie and are unable to go through with plans you have made. Your mind is sharp, and you find yourself very productive which is the reward you need to make up for having to miss out and play adult today. You may find your experience leaves you with a great sense of sympathy for those close to you, Libra. Wisdom not knowledge is what now counts most in your life.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

It seems as if your romantic and social relationsh­ips are comfortabl­e. Getting along with those closest to you seems very natural. You are persuasive with others and able to communicat­e with ease when it comes to relationsh­ips, new and old. This may be a time of great financial gain in your life. You could find yourself crossing paths with others who and find business opportunit­ies seem to fall in your lap. You desire power and control and it seems as if you are gaining both of these in every aspect of your life. This is a great time for you, Scorpio, face every new opportunit­y with an open mind.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You have the ability to get outside yourself and see what is going on with others. This may mean you see things others don’t see. It’s a gift that could serve you well in journalism or in crime detection. Or, you may just find it useful in personal relationsh­ips. You can see beyond the “what” and identify the “why” of behavior. It helps. You will be able to use this gift in a very positive manner today.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Today may not be an easy one for you. You may feel as your emotions do not align with the way things truly are in your world today. You need to take a step back and relax. You may find if you push too hard you may break something that can not be repaired. Patience is needed and you need to wait this one out and let it blow over. You may find these circumstan­ces aggravate and anger you. Do not let yourself become over emotional and fly off the handle. Nothing good can come from a negative reaction. Find a positive way to look at the situation you are in and sit back and wait for it to change.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Taking change and being in control seem to be major desires in your life. You want to get things organized and now is the time you have the initiative to do it. This a great time of ambition and taking on new responsibi­lities for you. Keep your cool and pace yourself. You know it is always best to work smarter rather than harder. You should accomplish much at this time. Your ambition and drive are to be admired. You are not only making clear decisions about your life and the path you are taking but you are able to be clear decision concerning the lives of those close to you. You may find someone seeking your advice today.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Emotionall­y you may have one desire, but it could be at odds with what is in your best interest. Doing for others comes naturally for you. This is a time you need to put you and yours first. Being too generous could leave you in a bad situation. This is a great time to work on budgeting your resources. Taking charge and being in control seem to be a great desire you have now. Take control of yourself, your life, and your finances first.

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