Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Getting your ideas across today might take some explaining. It’s not because you don’t know what you’re talking about but rather that the words just aren’t making it out of your mouth in the manner you expect. That’s because you’re thinking in more psychic terms right now. Aries, you know things without knowing how you know them. Your mind is faster than your mouth. Good ideas are being formulated but not being enunciated correctly. This might cause a confrontat­ion with someone younger than you. Take your time. Keep frustratio­n at bay.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The problems you had yesterday are gone today, thank goodness. You’re mentally sharp and can give good answers to any question. Your only problem today is your mind might wander. So those good answers might take a while getting out and about. Close relationsh­ips of partners, lovers, friends and family are more important than ever today, Taurus. If you’re not in a special relationsh­ip with a lover, then today is the day you’ll look. Make this day a beautiful memory for someday. Enjoy a special time with loved ones.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today you could appear stand-offish but that’s far from the truth. You’ve made up your mind to items you were thinking over yesterday. And you’ve had the help of intuition to come to some great decisions. Work will benefit from these decisions as will your love life. Family is closer now and everyone sees you as a person full of confidence who knows what they’re talking about. So, you guessed it, the questions will come because all know you have the answers. Revel in today.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You may find coworkers and friends asking if you’re psychic today. You’ll hear things like, how did you know that and where did that come from? After a few people mentioning it, it’ll really come to your attention and you’ll wonder how you did it. This isn’t a bad issue. You get the answers you need at the time. Your added sense of peace allows most events, good or bad, to move right past you today. Unless someone calls your attention to a matter it’s not addressed. It’s a good day for whatever you please. Add being with people you love to top the day off and make it an even greater time.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Right now it’s easy to ignore what others consider facts and roll on with your own thoughts and ideas. That’s pretty unconventi­onal and right now people are looking for the tried and true. But you don’t let that bother you today, Leo. You’re at peace. Things are going the way you intend and you’re wanting to reap the rewards from loving life, your work, your home and any close relatives too. You feel it can’t get better. Your spouse or lover will enjoy those feelings from you later. At least go to dinner first.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Today you could have a feeling that someone is being dishonest. Listen to yourself. The universe, God, or whatever the power that be, is giving you the correct informatio­n. If you don’t follow your gut, you could be in trouble at work. Not everyone considers honesty to be the best trait in others. This is a good time to rethink your values, your opinions and your needs. Keep this to yourself until you discuss with your family your thoughts. Don’t be rash. Be careful. You may be considerin­g the fact that you don’t want to be around others who don’t have a problem with being a little untruthful.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your gut and acting on instinct is at the top of your mind today. You’ve decided and now you’re doing what you desire. What’s funny is this very well could be just what you’ve needed. Patience is short now for anything not contributi­ng to your desires. Others need to be careful of this and watch their tongues. Money is coming and you know it. What’s more you’re probably right because you’re reflecting on money and how to get it. You’ve got a clear head and make good thoughtful decisions although it appears you haven’t. Revel in this time of your life, Libra. Enjoy.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Be careful of those who say they’re bringing you a good deal. It could be a Trojan Horse that’s going to hurt you quickly. At work watch the coworker who seems to good to be true. They probably are. Be thoughtful of your health today, Scorpio. You could be sensitive to that mess that’s going around. Preventive measures are better than an illness. If you want a day off, take it and read a book or study something you love. Take care of you.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Thank goodness, some peace of mind. Now, aren’t you glad you kept your job. The stability and reliabilit­y of working at something you love brings that sense of peace but it’s more than that. Your intuition or psychic insight has returned with a bang. You woke up this morning knowing you have the capability of creating your best life and you’re right, Sagittariu­s. You find yourself dancing to a song you’ve not thought of in a while. You may even buy a song that stirs your soul. Life is good and you are too. Enjoy a walk in the park with some early spring flowers. Be thankful.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Stability and the act of permanence in life is making you feel better today. This is because you feel you have most of what you desire and are well on your way to acquiring the life you desire. This includes gross amounts of material prominence. You like to be seen as someone to come to if they desire any informatio­n on how to better achieve their desires in life. You’re not too keen on being best friends with anyone who thinks they may be yours. Others, you feel, may take up too much time when you need that time to promote your needs. One good thing today, Capricorn, is that you just “know” the answer when a question arises. And, you can give it.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Don’t argue with your boss even when you think you’re right. Customers and bosses are always right even when they’re not. This is the way your day may go until you turn loose the will to be right. Your opinions are correct for you but maybe not for others. They may be having a hard day as well. Pick your battles. Even if you don’t appreciate others today, Aquarius, you’ll find yourself feeling more at peace with your situation as the day goes on. When you go home today, settle in, feel secure and plan ways to get rid of any lasting debt.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You are being noticed in the workplace. It may become very obvious to your superiors at work that you are talented beyond the title you hold. You may find that you are in line for a promotion or you will be assigned a special project due to your leadership abilities. Everyone has their eye on you. From your personal life to your career, you are beginning to outshine those around you. You may find your analytical skills are in top shape and you are not only able to solve every problem you come across but may be finding satisfacti­on in spending your spare time solving puzzles or playing word games. You are in the mood to exercise your mind.

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