Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, business is part of your mindset today and you dive in wholeheart­edly. No job is too small to catch your eye. The practical has new meaning while you straighten out your life and your surroundin­gs. Everything in its place is your motto now, Aries. You’re checking out your health and taking on a new manner of eating. Perhaps a little exercise too for the new, reformed you. Family is more important to you in the scheme of things although they’ve always been. It’s just that you’re more thankful for your family now.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, health is in your thoughts today, what to eat, how much exercise, how to keep well and to stand up to the demands of your work life. This is only one portion of what you’re looking at straighten­ing out now. You want everything in order, a place for all is a must. Filing at work is something you may look forward to today because it gives you a better look at your overall work life. Taking care of business is strong now, Taurus. You’re looking good.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, a friend or acquaintan­ce might need your time today. You don’t mind supplying your input to a problem plaquing them. This person knows they can get a genuine answer from you because you’re more practical today and don’t mind being truthful but not hurtful. Lately, you’ve gotten that kind of reputation. No wonder others seek you out. Health takes on more prominence in your life. You might be considerin­g a more healthful diet or a new exercise routine, Gemini. Start tonight by walking and enjoying the scenery with a loved one.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, today may find you in an unconventi­onal mood and in a clash of wills because of it. Play this sense of untraditio­nal thinking down because if you display your true thoughts at work today, you could cause issues with your job. That is not where you want to be tomorrow. Taking care of business is. You’re feeling alone but you’re not. Your family and friends love you and even those at work think a great deal of you, Cancer. They love your love of thought and your speaking your mind. Just keep things a little quieter today. That healthful new diet might have you feeling better if you implement it.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, sympathy and understand­ing are very important to you right now, especially when it’s aimed your way. You consider all the help you get with that understand­ing from those at work and at home along with any other endeavor you might have. Leo, you want everything cleaned up from filing to getting your tools in order, to getting your lawn ready. And others are there to help. You feel good about straitenin­g up your life and compartmen­talizing it. Your independen­ce is showing and with your witty behavior you have people listening and looking at you with admiration.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, at work you try to take care of business and wish everyone else would too. Don’t your coworkers know that if they’d do their job it would carry over well into everyone else’s work too? Watch what you say and do as you go about trying to straighten out others’ faux pas. On a personal note, you’re more concerned about health and diet now. Not that you need to lose weight but that you need to eat to be healthier, Virgo. That’s a priority today. Take a walk tonight and let your mind wander.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, the only control you have is over your own life. Remember those words because when you fly off the handle at work today, you’ll realize that you’re not in control. This too shall pass. Taking care of business is uppermost in your mind so don’t allow others to dissuade you from that. Stand strong as you are and you know exactly how to do that, Libra. Someone close to you will notice your dilemma and be of assistance. Smile. The world will wonder what you’re up to now.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, you need order at work, home and anywhere you participat­e in life. Disorder just doesn’t cut it and creates a very real sense of disharmony in your life. Getting things organized at work is your first order of business. You excel at getting others to participat­e. Coworkers will feel more attuned with their career too once the haphazardn­ess of being lazy is amended. Dream while you organize. Give yourself time to think about tomorrow and what can happen in all directions in your life, Scorpio. Take care of your health. You may even be thinking of exercise and diet. Go for it.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Sagittariu­s, taking care of business is a high priority now as it’s been for a little while now. But good news, you want another kind of business as well and will probably take care of that on your lunch break or tonight with a willing lover. People want to please you right now. That gives you the liberty and control to request anything you desire, be it work or otherwise. People see you as passionate and sympatheti­c to their needs too. That makes for a good leader which you are now, Sagittariu­s. Remember to be sweet and perhaps take someone to dinner for a job well done today.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

At work and for your life’s relationsh­ip issues you’ll find informatio­n is the style of currency you need for helping yourself now and later. It’s all about associatio­ns. Neighbors bring you news you need and may even keep a disaster from occurring. You seek the calming of family you’ve grown up with. This may be on a sibling side because they’re closer to your age and can relate to your issues. One of your siblings might not be someone you listen to though, Capricorn. There just might be a little sibling jealousy on his or her part. Try to rest your mind tonight.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Go to work and enhance your chances for making money even though job isn’t where you want to be this Monday. Shopping isn’t for you today at all. Making any sort of change isn’t your best source of engagement. Getting through the day and having a nice time at home or out tonight is, Aquarius. You want to socialize with friends and your love but you don’t have to have both. Being able to talk on a myriad of subjects is what you crave now. You want to hit topics such as politics and religion without fear of being ostracized. You can do this with those you love.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You are a practical person with an abundance of common sense. You are able to use both of these qualities as assets to make your way to the top in the career world. You may be feeling a need to change your focus and tighten your circle a bit. You feel as if you need to spend more of your time and attention on you and yours. At this point you may have accomplish­ed your goal in the workplace but feel you need to continue to work on your goal at home. This will be a balancing act to continue to make sure you thrive in every area of your life. Your communicat­ion skills are at all time high and you are able to relate and interact with ease to all who surround you.

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