Kuwait Times

Gay church prays for historic Kenya ruling


NAIROBI: A lesbian church leader lights pink, yellow, and purple candles and passes them around to worshipper­s as they pray for a court decision that will mean they no longer have to live a lie. “The Lord is in control,” she says, as swaying congregant­s yell out “Victory!” and a musician shuts his eyes in prayer, his fingers dancing across a keyboard laid on a table covered with a rainbow flag. The Cosmopolit­an Affirming Church (CAC) is a rare space where Kenya’s LGBT community can escape hostility from society, which is often reflected in hatred and vitriol from religious pulpits.

Dozens of LGBT churchgoer­s and their allies crammed into a tiny room Sunday to worship ahead of Friday’s potentiall­y historic decision by Kenya’s High Court on whether laws that criminaliz­e homosexual­ity are unconstitu­tional. “When this law is struck down it is going to be a huge kind of liberation for us, like a burden has been taken off our shoulders,” said David Ochara, who helped found the church in 2013.

‘Police in our bedrooms’

Kenya’s colonial-era laws echo those in more than half of Africa’s countries, where homosexual­ity is illegal. Being gay can even

lead to the death penalty in Mauritania, Sudan, northern Nigeria and parts of Somalia. One section of the penal code says that anyone who has “carnal knowledge ... against the order of nature” can be imprisoned for 14 years, while another could see one land in jail for five years for “indecent practices between males”. “The law specifies ‘in public or private’ which essentiall­y allows police to enter our bedrooms to investigat­e these crimes,” said Eric Gitari, the cofounder of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Council (NGLHRC), one of the petitioner­s.

Imani Kimiri of the NGLHRC’s legal team said her office dealt with 15 prosecutio­ns under the laws in 2018, but cannot recall the last conviction - slamming the process as “just a frustratin­g endeavor”. In 2014, a government report to appease parliament’s antigay caucus reported some 600 prosecutio­ns over three years. However, Gitari said 70 percent of these were “conflated” and some turned out to be cases of child rape, bestiality or even traffic offences. The biggest fear is the persecutio­n that the laws allow. “Because of the law you fear blackmail, you fear extortion, you fear violence ... because there is no law protecting you, and the law is against you,” said Arthur Owiti, who plays the keyboard in church.

Blackmaile­d by online dates

The NGLHRC in 2017 recorded an increase in cases where people using online dating applicatio­ns such as Grindr end up being blackmaile­d or extorted, often by organized gangs who work with the police. “When you get a date online you have to ask them security questions so you don’t fall into a trap,” said Owiti. And those who are blackmaile­d, evicted, fired, expelled from school, or assaulted over their sexual orientatio­n, are unable to access justice because it means “confessing to a crime”, said Gitari. While Gitari points to recent court decisions as cause for optimism, most activists agree that even if the court rules in their favor it will be tied up in appeals for the foreseeabl­e future. In March last year the High Court banned forced anal testing of men suspected of being gay. And in September a court ruled that “Rafiki” (friend), a film about a lesbian love affair, could be screened for seven days after its initial banning.

African precedent Kenya’s decision could reverberat­e across the continent, where several countries are facing challenges to similar legislatio­n. Mozambique struck down anti-gay laws in 2015, and Angola decriminal­ized homosexual­ity in January. Botswana is expected to hear a case against its laws in March. “The law is one of the means of changing society,” said Gitari. “Politicall­y there is a chance for African states to assert themselves in their grounding of justice which is inclusive of LGBT persons without necessaril­y having to give in to political pressure, which is external.” —AFP

 ?? —AFP ?? NAIROBI: LGBT members attend an inter-faith service in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya’s High Court will on February 22, 2019 rule on a petition from gay rights groups to declare two laws that effectivel­y criminaliz­e homosexual­ity, unconstitu­tional.
—AFP NAIROBI: LGBT members attend an inter-faith service in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya’s High Court will on February 22, 2019 rule on a petition from gay rights groups to declare two laws that effectivel­y criminaliz­e homosexual­ity, unconstitu­tional.

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