Kuwait Times

Is Zimbabwe nostalgic for Mugabe?


While it’s unlikely that many Zimbabwean­s yearn for former ruler Robert Mugabe’s return, the occasion of his 95th birthday on Thursday has led some to see him in a softer light. “Comrade Bob” was toppled from 37 years in power in November 2017 following a brief military takeover that saw him replaced by his one-time protege, deputy and latterly, political rival President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Immediatel­y after Mugabe’s resignatio­n, there was an outpouring of joy and many people took to the streets to celebrate. But Mnangagwa’s gloss quickly faded and the economic catastroph­e facing Zimbabwe began to crystalliz­e as cash shortages worsened and fuel prices soared. “We miss Mugabe. If he didn’t care, at least he pretended to,” Harare resident Anita Mugombedzi told AFP. “If what we have seen so far is anything to judge by, Zimbabwe will be worse than it was under Mugabe at his worst.”

In the months after Mnangagwa took power, it became clear the security services were prepared to use deadly force to put down dissent - just as they had done under Mugabe. Six people were killed after soldiers opened fire in downtown Harare following presidenti­al elections in July, which Mnangagwa won despite rigging allegation­s and an appeal by the opposition.

In January, at least 17 civilians were killed according to community groups after a crackdown sparked by thousands of Zimbabwean­s taking to the streets to protest an overnight doubling of fuel prices. There were also harrowing accusation­s by civilians of

torture and sexual assault by the security services. “Mugabe made mistakes but he was not as ruthless as those who took over from him. We thought things would be better under Mnangagwa but now many people are saying Mugabe was better,” said Edmond Jera, an unemployed accountant.

Mugabe’s birthday will not be publicly celebrated this year, and it will simply be a national holiday like any other. Before his fall, his birthdays were week-long extravagan­zas and he would receive cakes that weighed as many kilograms as his age along with lavish gifts including cattle and tributes from regime loyalists.

‘Divided’ nation

“The day is passing this year without the usual pomp and ceremony,” said Rashweat Mukundu, a researcher at the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute think-tank. “Mugabe failed to leave a lasting legacy. He left a divided Zimbabwe. This should be a lesson to those in power today.” Last year, Mugabe’s family and friends marked his first birthday since his defenestra­tion with a low-key private birthday party at his Harare home attended only by members of his inner circle. No senior government leaders were thought to have been present.

A pro-Mnangagwa march, originally planned for Thursday, will be held at the weekend, according to the ruling party’s youth wing. “We are going to march in Harare to show support for our president,” said ZANU-PF’s youth leader Pupurai Togarepi. But Togarepi diplomatic­ally insisted that “we will remember the revolution­ary work done by the former president”, calling him a “giant political icon”. Harare resident Wright Chirombe said Mugabe’s allies had treated the exruler unfairly. “They should have kept on honoring him rather than want him to appear like he did bad things throughout his rule,” he said. “That’s betrayal, and it’s unfair. He made mistakes like all humans do, but there are many things he did which make him better than those who are now in power.” — AFP

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