Kuwait Times

US debt hits record $22tn under Trump


WASHINGTON, DC: More massive than the US economy, the national debt hit a new record of $22 trillion under President Donald Trump but Republican­s who traditiona­lly rail against debt and deficits have remained mum.

The sum of borrowing to cover chronic deficits as well as growing interest payments, this mountain of debt already stood at $19.95 trillion when Trump entered the White House, reaching the equivalent of US GDP for the first time since World War II. By comparison, France’s debt, which also is about the same as its GDP, amounted to a little more than 2.3 trillion euros (about $2.6 trillion) in late September.

The massive corporate tax cuts that Trump pushed for at the end of 2017, and

the surge in spending, especially in defense, have increased the fiscal deficit for the world’s largest economy.

“If we don’t have a strong military, you don’t have to worry about debt, you have bigger problems,” Trump told reporters last week. Administra­tion officials continue to argue that the tax cuts, which are expected to widen the deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years, will pay for themselves by boosting economic growth and thereby increasing tax revenues.

Republican deficit hawks quiet

But despite faster growth, the budget deficit climbed 17 percent to $779 billion last year, the worst since 2012. And according to the non-partisan Congressio­nal Budget Office (CBO), the deficit is expected to widen further this year to $900 billion. The United States saw a budget surplus for four years under Democratic president Bill Clinton, amid a booming economy, but the war in Iraq under Republican George W. Bush once again plunged federal finances into the red.

Democratic president Barack Obama had to deal with the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis that required a ramp up in government spending, causing the federal books to deteriorat­e badly.

That helped fuel the birth of the Tea Party, a populist political movement that contribute­d to Trump’s rise to power. With the economic recovery and the standoff in the Republican-controlled Congress forcing cuts in public spending, the last few years of the Obama administra­tion saw a decline in the deficit.

But when it started to surge again under Trump, the Republican deficit-hawks were strangely silent.

‘Unsustaina­ble path’

Beyond the politics, however, the aging US population with the accompanyi­ng increase in health and pension expenditur­es is the structural issue that is the primary cause of chronic US deficit. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell frequently points out that while it is not his role to set fiscal policy, “it’s not a secret, it’s a longknown fact that the US federal government budget is on an unsustaina­ble path and that needs to be addressed.”

Of course the Fed’s interest rate increases-nine in the past four years-have caused an increase in the debt service costs, and Trump has frequently lashed out at the central bank, calling it “crazy” and a greater economic threat than China. Interest on the public debt cost the US government $13 billion more in December compared to a year earlier. — AFP

 ??  ?? A pedestrian passes the National Debt Clock on West 43rd Street in New York.
A pedestrian passes the National Debt Clock on West 43rd Street in New York.

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