Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find yourself with an ear to a co-worker or family member’s mouth for the best of gossip right now. Most often you don’t have time for such things but this is too good to pass up. Your spouse or significan­t other is uppermost in your thoughts along with any children you may have. Family means more to you now than you usually take the time to acknowledg­e. Anything around house and home is your agenda for this very important day. Enjoy.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Talking with close friends, neighbors, work mates and family makes you feel all warm and cozy when you speak about your innermost feelings. Furthermor­e, there is no anxiety exposed while showing emotion today unless it’s someone you really don’t know or for which you don’t care. Then the proverbial poo can hit the fan and cause a massive irritation. Try to stay closer to family and those you care for at work. Harmony is your word of the day even if you’re not practicing it at the time. Stay cool.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You have a lot of nervous energy which affects your thinking. Thoughts seem contradict­ory and you can’t seem to get your views aligned with what you have going on. You want to be treated the way you treat others and that is straight-forward and always above board but you may have an issue with someone older who is an authority figure. He or she may have their own irritation­s today and aren’t in the mood to listen. Relax, the blockage you feel frustrated with now will end soon, Gemini. Find time to do something alone. Discuss your situation with someone you love.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your love and family take on more importance. It’s imperative that you feel secure and needed. Thankfully, you get that now because you are needed and loved too by many. Work is a place that you need to just keep on keeping on. Perhaps work you’ve done in the past is all that’s needed to allow you to skate today. Otherwise do the bare minimum to keep your job. It’s because your mind isn’t on work, Cancer. It’s on those you love and you’re needs. Do what you can to make it through your work day and get home quickly to those who make you feel wanted. Enjoy.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You’re considerin­g making changes in every aspect of your life. Be careful when making these changes to get all the facts first. You may not appreciate tomorrow the changes you made today if you don’t. In other words, don’t jump too quickly. You’re at odds with even your own thoughts, Leo. The money you’re making now may not add up to the same thing if you change today. Your home might have issues you’ll find leaves you dishearten­ed if you sell your house today and start to buy another. Your love life might be so much worse if you get rid of what you have now. Think and take your time.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Since you’ve been a little unsettled at work lately, today might be the very day to apply for a new job. You find yourself more polished and delightful than your usual temperamen­t, or so your friends are saying. This could help you land the job you’ve been looking at for the last three months. Romance is a huge factor in your mind too. You’re sure of yourself and exude all the confidence you need for both the job and love. Talk to your lover or a new date and perhaps plan for an indoor picnic. You might make it in a beautiful new hotel, just in case.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Good news. You’re entering a cycle where all you touch can become gold to you. As long as you use your diplomatic resources but err on the optimistic side you can create exactly what you want. At work your superiors and your coworkers look to you for advice. You seem to make all the right decisions. It’s the same with friends, family and your lover. The only problem with this good, fortunate aspect in your life is that you, Libra, are looking to your past and thinking about what you really want in the future. That could cause you to rid some items in your life. Know that it’s good for you when it happens but you might get emotional because of it.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Family, your lover and children mean more to you at this time than at most other times. It’s a need. You require the closeness and you want more togetherne­ss with all of them. This includes close friends as well because friends like that can be family you’ve chosen. You need to be admired, Scorpio. So, you’ll probably take chances that would normally be ignored today. Guess what? You’ll be right in your decisions because you have the intuition you’re sure of right now.You just know and it works for you.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You’re fighting with yourself over your thinking processes today. Make up your mind and quit being noncommitt­al. It’s like brushing your teeth, a decision needs to be made. You’re able to help others make good, intelligen­t decisions and they tell you so meaning you can make the same at work and for yourself. Now, the problem may come with children or your lover, Sagittariu­s. They may not be so easily handled for you at this time. This too shall pass. Take a breath, think about the situation and pretend you’re at work. You have to be nice to the people you work with and that goes for home tonight too.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You try to show more effusively your feelings for your lover or parents. You’re proud that they’re your port in the storm and you want them to know how much they’re appreciate­d. You have a need for the close emotional support you get from those you love. Times haven’t been the best lately and you’re trying to make amends, Capricorn. Take heart though because you’re able to see the problems that’s been plaquing you. You can take the steps to amend some decisions that may have precipitat­ed these issues. You’re on the road to solving your life’s mystery. Be thankful.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Coming to grips with your past is uppermost on your mind now. Somehow you feel that if you can resolve what may have happened before in your career, then you’ll be able to do better at your current job. A little fear has crept into your thoughts on your occupation. Put your mind at ease. You’re checking into a part of your life most wouldn’t understand, you think. Others might have the same intuitive happenings going on in their life as well, Aquarius. Keep your concerns to yourself and study why you feel the way you do. Talking with friends and loved ones will help.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Ideas come through clearly now so that you can describe them in detail to your coworkers. You make part of a good team with you being concise and brilliant in your communicat­ion. Your efforts really pay off and run smoothly. You look good at work, Pisces. More than that you’re looking good at home too. Work may have created a house move but you’re able to make that house a home. Perhaps you’re in the process of redecorati­ng making your older home new now. Others gather around you for inclusion in your friend family. You’re happy and at ease though you work harder now than you ever have. You like it. Enjoy your evening with friends.

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