Kuwait Times

Fear, anger as border guards tighten net in south Mexico

Mexico deploys 6,000 officers to the southern border


TAPACHULA: Sitting inside a truck at a checkpoint near Mexico’s southern border, a soldier is scrolling through images on a screen, looking for human forms hidden in cargo vehicles. The scanning equipment delivering the images to his computer is part of Mexico’s new bid to stop undocument­ed migrants and human trafficker­s. It is a crackdown that is about to get stronger, under the deal the Mexican government struck Friday with the United States to avoid President Donald Trump’s threatened tariffs.

At another checkpoint nearby, officers inspect minibuses and taxis heading north from the Suchiate River, the frontier between Mexico and Guatemala. It does not take them long to find an undocument­ed family traveling in a minibus. They make them get off-a father, mother and three children, including a babyand put them in a van with bars on the windows. It is likely the first step toward deportatio­n. “We’re here 24/7,” one border officer tells AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity. And the Central American migrants fleeing in droves from desolate poverty and brutal street-gang violence have begun to feel the impact. Migrant detentions have tripled in Mexico since January, to 23,679 in May. Deportatio­ns are also up, to 16,507 last month.

Clamping down

As part of its deal to avert Trump’s threat of five-percent tariffs on all Mexican goods-which would have risen incrementa­lly to 25 percent by October-President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s government has agreed to deploy 6,000 officers from Mexico’s new National Guard to the southern border starting today.

That will make it that much harder for Central Americans to slip through what has traditiona­lly been a highly porous border. Though some migrants and activists remain defiant. The new deployment “might make the big caravans disappear, but not migration in general. It will continue one way or another,” said Ernesto Castanedo, an activist at the Buen Pastor migrant shelter in the southern city of Tapachula.

The shelter houses 600 migrants, mostly Hondurans taking a break on their northward trek. The migrants watch TV, play football and wash their clothes as Unicef workers give their children impromptu classes. “It doesn’t matter what Donald Trump does, he can never stop us,” said another migrant, 57-year-old Josue Arenal, from Honduras. “Migrants always sneak through. He can close the border, build a thousand walls, migrants are always going to find a way.”

Contraband of all sorts AFP reporters saw undocument­ed migrants crossing the border at dawn on rafts, a day after the US-Mexican deal was announced. The customs officers on the bridge appeared indifferen­t to the thriving black-market operations ferrying migrants and stolen gasoline across the river. “They should go after organized crime,” not migrants, said Abraham, 49, a one-time migrant from El Salvador who now works in a migrant shelter.

He experience­d first-hand the dangers migrants face when he made his own attempt to reach the United States by hopping the freight train known as “The Beast.” Members of a Mexican gang-one of many known for preying on migrants-robbed him and threw him off the train. Severely injured, he spent five years recovering in hospital, before returning to El Salvador. When he made it back to his village, he found his family had already given him up for dead. At the local cemetery, they had erected a tombstone with his name on it over an empty grave. — AFP

 ?? — AFP ?? CHIAPAS: Migrants heading to United States gather around a fire at a shelter in Tapachula, Chiapas state, Mexico.
— AFP CHIAPAS: Migrants heading to United States gather around a fire at a shelter in Tapachula, Chiapas state, Mexico.

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