Kuwait Times

Trump, AMLO tout deal to avert tariffs on Mexico


TIJUANA, Mexico: Presidents Donald Trump and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador each declared the deal averting US tariffs on Mexico a win Saturday, as markets breathed a sigh of relief-though rights groups condemned what they called a draconian crack down on migration.

Lopez Obrador said the bottom line on the lastminute deal reached Friday night was simple: “there will not be an economic or financial crisis in Mexico on Monday.” Economists had warned the pain of Trump’s threatened tariffs-set to start at five percent today and rise incrementa­lly to 25 percent by October-and Mexico’s likely retaliator­y measures would have been acute for both countries, with potentiall­y global spillover.

Instead, the countries hammered out a deal in which Mexico agreed to bolster security on its southern border and expand its policy of taking back migrants, most of them from violence-riven Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, as the United States processes their asylum claims.

Trump hailed it as a victory, after a week of terrifying his southern neighbor, whose economy depends heavily on exports to the US. “Mexico will try very hard, and if they do that, this will be a very successful agreement for both the United States and Mexico!” he tweeted early Saturday.

Later, he added: “Everyone very excited about the new deal with Mexico!” The relief was palpable in the Mexican border city of Tijuana, where Lopez Obrador led a rally attended by several thousand people to celebrate the deal and “the friendship of the people of Mexico and the United States.”

However, the leftist leader-who said he had just spoken to Trump on the phone-also warned his American counterpar­t that it was not enough for Mexico to tighten its borders, saying Washington also needed to invest in economic developmen­t in Central America to stem the exodus from the region. —AFP

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