Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today you won't be able to get away with hiding behind someone else or escaping for some alone time. Even if you're dying for some peace and quiet, the day's activities will force you to become involved with something new. You can't easily ignore what is starting to develop between you and someone else, but you can put off dealing with it. When it comes to a potential new flirtation, procrastin­ation is the perfect tactic—at least for now.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today you need to determine what is the most important thing in your life—or else you may make the mistake of putting the cart before the horse. Think about what needs to happen in order to enable other things to happen, and make that your top priority today. That means if you have to rest or take care of yourself (instead of hitting the town), then so be it. What seems like fun today may cause you some trouble tomorrow, so keep that in mind when your phone starts ringing off the hook.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Someone from your past is back on the scene and is acting on old assumption­s about who you are. Today you'll have to take a chance to move beyond your past actions (good or bad) and show him or her the new person you have become. This will be a subtle yet significan­t turning point in your relationsh­ip—this person's reaction will determine whether or not the future will find you closer together or further apart. It looks like you are not the only one who has changed.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The dark days of the past are not going to come back to haunt you, so why are you afraid to start down a new path? There is a fresh idea coming into your life, and it will be burning brightly, illuminati­ng the way forward—and showing you that you have nothing to fear. This is a time to trust other people because they honestly do want the best for you. Your instincts have never let you down before, and they certainly aren't going to today.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

There is a battle going on inside of you right now—the part of you that wants to spend all your time with other people is battling for control with the part of you that just wants to be left to your own thoughts for a while. If you can get out of major social obligation­s, let your solitude-seeking side win out just for today. You have to spend some time assessing the good things in your life, and the bad things in your life, in order to determine what is holding you back.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

It's a great day for making prediction­s—your insight is strong and your ability to sense what is about to happen is even stronger. People should rely on you for news on what is coming up next in the worlds of fashion, music, television, comedy, and books—basically, you can forecast anything but the weather. Your connection with the arts is especially strong right now, in part because your creativity is looking for a new outlet. Seek one today, and you will find it.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Goofy games and practical jokes are no longer as appealing as they once were—you are starting to realize that serious ideas can provide a great deal of reward. Utilize your intellect a lot more today, and leave your fabulous sense of humor on the sidelines for now. People need to hear what you really think about the tough issues, and you need to have your position nailed down. Who knows? Your passion could inspire other people to change their minds.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

All your forward momentum is starting to wane a bit, which is both a positive and a negative thing. On the one hand, this time out will finally give you a chance to take in the interestin­g view you've been missing out on for so long. But on the other hand, this pause means that you are going to have wait even longer for the changes you've been hoping for. Conserve your energy and be more patient. Be confident that you will experience what you deserve soon enough.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Expect a great day full of accomplish­ments! Some of the puzzles you have been working on are finally coming together, and the picture the pieces are forming is looking pretty sweet! But before you start making any big pronouncem­ents, try to keep this amazing progress under your hat. You will have plenty of time to bask in the spotlight later. But first, you need to wait until everything is done and polished up. Hold off for a big payoff!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Life is going to take you for a ride today—but it'll be a gentle, relaxing trip. The new knowledge that familiarit­y brings is pretty interestin­g, and you'll get a big dose of it today. It seems that getting up close and personal with someone you idolize will remind you that everyone is human and flawed. Let go of big responsibi­lities for a few hours— let the universe drive, while you sit in the passenger seat and enjoy the view.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

This latest project of yours is closer to completion than you might think. If you take time to clean up your work area, organize what you've done so far, or complete the detailed infrastruc­ture, you will quickly see that any doubts you had about meeting this deadline can get tossed right out the window. You are finally starting to realize how capable you really are! Now that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel, you can expect your mood to brighten.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

In whatever you do today, try to make sure that your ideas are voiced—even if you raise your hand just to make a brief statement. It's important that you are heard. You are dissecting the world around you very effectivel­y now—the questions you have been asking are the right ones, and you are definitely headed in the right direction. Keep going and take advantage of the solid momentum you have built.

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