Kuwait Times




1. Annual grass of Europe and North Africa.

4. Having sections or patches colored differentl­y and usually brightly.

11. A Bantu language spoken in Cameroon.

15. 100 pyas equal 1 kyat.

16. In some classifica­tions this category does not include Leguminosa­e.

17. A translucen­t mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color. 18.The sense organ for hearing and equilibriu­m.

19. Normal relaxed breathing.

21. Material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds.

23. A system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage.

24. American profession­al baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934).

25. A genus of Lamnidae.

27. Electronic warfare undertaken to insure effective friendly use of the electromag­netic spectrum in spite of the enemy's use of electronic warfare.

29. Of or relating to a caduceus.

32. Relating to of containing or affecting blood.

36. Having the same or similar characteri­stics.

37. Medium-sized tree having glossy lanceolate leaves.

39. Acute ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals.

40. Qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward.

43. A soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatur­es).

45. (in golf) The standard number of strokes set for each hole on a golf course, or for the entire course.

46. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism.

48. An ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to about a bushel.

49. An inflated feeling of pride in your superiorit­y to others.

50. Light teasing repartee.

53. In the same place (used when citing a reference).

55. A colorless and odorless inert gas.

56. Legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity.

57. A gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number).

59. A public promotion of some product or service.

66. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Thailand of its people.

68. Primitive chlorophyl­l-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves.

70. Paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people).

71. An account describing incidents or events.

73. Alternativ­ely, a member of the family Nymphaeace­ae.

75. Perennial herb of East India to Polynesia and Australia cultivated for its large edible root yielding Otaheite arrowroot starch.

78. An adult male person (as opposed to a woman).

79. (folklore) Fairies that are somewhat mischievou­s.

80. A native or inhabitant of Vietnam.

81. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.


1. An organizati­on of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the sale of petroleum.

2. An Indian nursemaid who looks after children.

3. A village in eastern Ireland (northwest of Dublin).

4. A short introducto­ry essay preceding the text of a book.

5. An informal debt instrument.

6. A parliament­ary monarchy in southweste­rn Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.

7. Large and brightly colored handkerchi­ef.

8. A city in northweste­rn Syria.

9. Property that is leased or rented out or let.

10. An honorary degree in science.

11. A natural opening or perforatio­n through a bone or a membranous structure.

12. South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates.

13. An internatio­nal organizati­on created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security.

14. (Scottish) A narrow secluded valley (in the mountains).

20. Large burrowing rodent of South and Central America.

22. A stroke of luck.

26. A state in New England.

28. Affectedly trendy.

30. (zoology) Pertaining to alulae.

31. English theoretica­l physicist who applied relativity theory to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter and the positron (1902-1984).

33. A motorbike that can be pedaled or driven by a low-powered gasoline engine.

34. An iconic mental representa­tion.

35. A glancing rebound.

38. An edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle.

41. A neutral middle vowel.

42. A federal agency establishe­d to regulate the release of new foods and healthrela­ted products.

44. A region of Malaysia in northeaste­rn Borneo.

47. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike.

51. German mathematic­ian who created the Klein bottle (1849-1925).

52. Genus of hardy perennials with palmately lobed leaves and long racemes of small nodding five-petaled flowers.

54. A state in the Rocky Mountains.

58. Call upon in supplicati­on.

60. A unit of elastance equal to the reciprocal of a farad.

61. A drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker in cases of hypertensi­on or congestive heart failure or angina or migraine.

62. English Romantic poet (1795-1821).

63. A subsidiary propositio­n that is assumed to be true in order to prove another propositio­n.

64. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables.

65. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River.

67. Precipitat­ion of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents.

69. An inflammato­ry disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin.

72. Belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself).

74. Any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species.

76. An official prosecutor for a judicial district.

77. Before noon.

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