Kuwait Times




1. Lacking in light.

4. Durable fragrant wood.

12.The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet.

15. An undergarme­nt worn by women to support their breasts.

16. Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.

17.Thigh of a hog (usually smoked).

18. Predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions.

20. A river in southeaste­rn Australia that flows generally northwest to join the Darling River.

21. An ester of adenosine that is converted to ATP for energy storage.

22. A minute scale (on a plant or fungus).

24. Constituti­ng or relating to a tail.

26. The brightest star in Virgo.

29. The square of a body of any size of type.

31. Preparator­y school work done outside school (especially at home).

32. Of or relating to abasia (inability to walk).

33. New Zealand conifer.

38. The rate at which heat is produced by an individual in a resting state.

41. United States writer (born in Poland) who wrote in Yiddish (1880-1957).

43. Type genus of the Amiidae.

45. A long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge.

48. An independen­t agency of the United States government responsibl­e for collecting and coordinati­ng intelligen­ce and counterint­elligence activities abroad in the national interest.

49. An accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape.

50. Engraving or carving in low relief on a stone (as in a brooch or ring).

51. Small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button.

53. A landlocked republic in southern central Africa.

55. Very light colored.

57.The blood group whose red cells carry

both the A and B antigens.

58. The Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan.

59. Type genus of the family Myacidae.

62. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables.

67. English writer (born in Scotland) of children's stories (1859-1932).

70. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

71. City in central Iran.

74. An anxiety disorder characteri­zed by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling of light-headedness or irritabili­ty etc that has lasted for more than six months.

75. Characteri­stic of a mob.

76. (informal) Diamonds.

77. A type of submachine gun that is designed and manufactur­ed in Israel.

78. Used of a single unit or thing.

79. Made by hand or a hand process.

80. A former agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsibl­e for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States.


1. A software system that facilitate­s the creation and maintenanc­e and use of an electronic database.

2. A republic in the Middle East in western Asia.

3. The (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb.

4. Squirrel monkeys.

5. Advance evidence for.

6. A metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter.

7. Having finished or arrived at completion.

8. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods.

9. The shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object.

10. Given to avoiding associatio­n with others.

11. Dry red Italian table wine from the Chianti region of Tuscany.

12. A family of Afroasiati­c tonal languages (mostly two tones) spoken in the regions west and south of Lake Chad in north central Africa.

13. Relating to the deepest parts of the ocean (below 6000 meters).

14. Express or state indirectly.

19. Thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus.

23. The upper side of the thighs of a seated person.

25. A city in central New York.

27. Absent-minded dreaming while awake.

28. The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural).

30. American and Asiatic trees having edible one-seeded fruit.

34. Of the nature of or undergoing an experiment.

35. A device (used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together v 1.

36. Harsh or corrosive in tone.

37. A carriage consisting of two wheels and calash top.

39. (computer science) American Standard Code for Informatio­n Interchang­e.

40. Fiddler crabs.

42. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike.

44. Jordan's port.

46. Type genus of the Polygalace­ae.

47. A small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB gun.

52. (used of count nouns) Every one considered individual­ly.

54. A tributary of the Ohio River.

56. Gained or acquired.

60. Affect with wonder.

61. Any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves.

63. Very dark black.

64. A very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk.

65. The complete duration of something.

66. A lyric poet.

68. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs northeast into the Rhine.

69. Largest known toad species.

72. A health resort near a spring or at the seaside.

73. A metric unit of length equal to ten meters.

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