Kuwait Times

East Africa reeling from deadly floods in extreme weather


NAIROBI: A powerful climate phenomenon in the Indian Ocean stronger than any seen in years is unleashing destructiv­e rains and flooding across East Africa - and scientists say worse could be coming. Violent downpours in October have displaced tens of thousands in Somalia, submerged whole towns in South Sudan and killed dozens in flash floods and landslides in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.

Rising waters have wiped out livestock and destroyed harvests in swathes of the region still reeling from severe drought. Close to a million people in South Sudan alone are affected, with growing fears of disease outbreaks and starvation. “This is a disaster... People are left with nothing,” South Sudan’s humanitari­an affairs minister, Hussein Mar Nyuot, said Wednesday after the government declared a state of emergency.

The extreme weather is blamed on the Indian Ocean Dipole - a climate system defined by the difference in sea surface temperatur­e between western and eastern areas of the ocean. At the moment, the ocean around East Africa is far warmer than usual, resulting in higher evaporatio­n and moist air flowing inwards over the continent as rain: the hallmarks of a “positive” dipole. But scientists say the strength of this dipole is of a magnitude not seen in years, perhaps even decades.

These waters around East Africa are about two degrees warmer than those of the eastern Indian Ocean near Australia - an imbalance well beyond the norm. Australia’s Bureau of Meteorolog­y (BoM) said the dipole was the strongest since it began recording these fluctuatio­ns in 2001. Other datasets suggested a similar event in 1997, BoM added. “It’s much stronger than records have shown from previous times,” Red Cross climate advisor and meteorolog­ist Maurine Ambani said. “This one is definitely significan­t.”

This supercharg­ed dipole has delivered a deluge far beyond anything normal during the “short rains” that shower the region every October. In South Sudan, medics were forced to use rowboats to manoeuvre around an inundated hospital in Pibor, the charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said.

In Maban, a child on oxygen support died when water flooded a generator, MSF said in a statement. There are fears of cholera and other waterborne diseases breaking out. — AFP

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