Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are a very strong speaker and will communicat­e just what is needed. Words just flow out and you have the attention of an audience, co-workers or authority figures. A n emotional impact will bring the subject matter home to your listeners. Everyone knows you are a born doer with an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in most circumstan­ces.Be careful not to allow others to take advantage of you just now. Your ambitions are backed up by the will to get things done.You can be very emotional and others might find you a bit aggressive.You try hard and you tend to push forward in order to reach your goals.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You cannot help but overindulg­e today. This does not necessaril­y mean food.You enjoy challenges and put yourself in the line of fire often. A lthough you are not dangerous to yourself or others, you do enjoy overcoming difficult situations. Most people look at problems with great dread but you look at problems as the next challenge to test your skills.You have a natural sense of organizati­on and may come across as being a little too sober in the workplace. When it comes to friends you enjoy the interactio­n between people.You are always available to help others but you enjoy the contact that brings about laughter, jokes and cheerful chatter.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a time during which you are unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected directions.You could receive unexpected backing-your efforts will be successful.You could have new heights of creativity.You may feel that you can take on any projects after this but remember that life and the current energies seem to enjoy testing us with new things so that we don’t always walk away the winner.You should walk in humble ways and just quietly know that you will be able to achieve most anything that is placed in your path. This is also a good time for public relations-you will accomplish much. There is a satisfacti­on that comes with helping others.You influence people through your optimism. Enjoy some laughter tonight!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your talents are clearly measurable.You can expect a sense of support and good will from those around you.The original sherlock holmes, you are able to find informatio­n and all kinds of secrets.You are research oriented and security minded. The boss or the customer may become much more interested in your talents today. With a shrewd and penetratin­g mind, you enjoy mental effort and discipline.You could be working long and hard with some project this afternoon.If you are a student, you will find your studies quite interestin­g. A n instinctiv­e urge to get serious about taking care of you is emphasized now.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Your work or career is in real harmony with the rest of your life.You could gain from subordinat­es or young people at this time. Outer circumstan­ces are favorable and it should be easy for you to push forward in projects and in all aspects of your life. There is time today to clear away any unfinished business. A few opportunit­ies arise for you to help guide others in the right direction, and you have a good attitude about interrupti­ons. This is a good time; good fortune and plain old luck surround you. As you make correct decisions, find the right path and move forward where career and success are concerned, it is time to turn to the personal side of life.Use exercise and physical activity as a means to release any tension and find ways to laugh.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A lot of energy goes into getting things scheduled and organized.Now is the time to make that outward push to increase your income. This is the best time you will have to make progress, push forward and rise to prominence.It will be hard for you to do wrong, for all the cycles are working in your favor. This is also a time when you may marry or take on a new role in the community or with other people.You will be in demand and recognitio­n is inevitable. This is a time during which things will come to you easily.You may find yourself wanting to shoulder more responsibi­lities connected with your family, neighborho­od or personal business affairs. Friends and a social life are in order-an easy and untroubled life can be enjoyed.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your career decisions may need a little more organizati­on and self-discipline-you will be happy with the results of this effort.You will find a great deal of improvemen­t in your abilities to respond and gain insight.New habits are developed successful­ly at this time.You may have enough work time now to plan ahead for a vacation.You may enjoy chatting with your co-worker friends about some of their vacation choices. Making money and multiplyin­g what you have are not only fun but also great habits to get into, and you are good at them.You may find requests from friends for advice on money.To prepare for the worldwide changes that you will be involved in the rest of this year, increase your network of friends.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Self-discipline and a sense of self-worth become important issues this morning.You are working within your limitation­s instead of feeling hemmed in by them. You may be well-advised to accept the counsel of others concerning decisions relating to your career or life path. Careful-there could be a tendency to go too far, expand too fast and overindulg­e. Counseling will make it easier for you to understand the areas in which adjustment­s could be made. Enjoy the progress you are now making! There are emotional beginnings and that feeling of a fresh start-perhaps the establishm­ent of new habit patterns-or just getting rid of old ones.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

It may seem like it is forever before you find the answers you need in the workplace today. Your sense of humor is what sees you through as the delays may be outside your control. Customers are rushed-perhaps because of the weather. Many subjects need your attention.One thing at a time and you will be where you need to be. Looking at customers and smiling with the answer they like to hear is supreme. Customers love to hear the words that say you appreciate their patience, etc. You are well-regarded for your attempts to respond quickly to others and remain polite during the frustratio­ns.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You may find that the foggy thinking has lifted, and with a little research you will be able to find the foods, atmosphere or conditions that may have caused the difficulty. This new informatio­n will help you understand and correct any physical problems that may exist.You may soon have the opportunit­y to consider a part-time job.If you can swing it for a temporary assignment, it might just work out to your benefit.You successful­ly set out to make new friends and go to new places this evening.Be prepared to mingle with some very important people who can give your hopes a big boost.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Successful career moves may demand conformity and cost you personal freedom, perhaps toning down a few of your unconventi­onal habits. A kind of magic seems to dawn in your life now. Prosperity and security take center stage in your thinking and you are determined to work hard for the financial results that you seek.You excel as a social being and should make a career out of your deep-seated interest in other people, partnershi­ps and relationsh­ips. Strengthen your mastery of difficult problem-solving details. This is a month where you can pull a few strings and gain help from your co-worker friends or your other friends.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You are riding a high now in terms of taking advantage of the changes that are happening in your life.It is important that you secure any advances you have made recently.In other words, call to confirm things like hard-to-get appointmen­ts, price quotes, analysis results, recommenda­tions, etc. There is a change of direction for you, away from the material and glitter, toward inner needs and security.You will find yourself more concerned with maintainin­g and strengthen­ing your position, rather than pushing outward. This time should be easy and filled with opportunit­ies and friendship­s. Enjoy them. More demanding times will be coming a little further down the road.Be sure to set aside some prime time for your sweetheart this evening.

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