Kuwait Times




1.Wild and domestic cattle.

4. An acid formed as an intermedia­te product of the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalan­ine.

12. Explosive consisting of a yellow crystallin­e compound that is a flammable toxic derivative of toluene.

15. A drug combinatio­n found in some overthe-counter headache remedies (Aspirin and Phenacetin and Caffeine).

16. A landlocked socialist republic in central Asia.

17. Relating to or characteri­stic of or occurring in the air.

18. A signal transmitte­d along a narrow path.

20. French physicist noted for research on magnetism (born in 1904).

21. Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippine­s and India for its edible fruit.

23. An area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming).

25. A radioactiv­e element of the actinide series.

27. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or binding together muscles and organs etc.

28. A sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponifica­tion of fats and oils.

30.With no effort to conceal.

31. A republic in the western Balkans in south-central Europe in the eastern Adriatic coastal area.

34. An intensely radioactiv­e metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores.

35. Small genus of South American trees yielding latex.

36. An anxiety disorder associated with serious traumatic events and characteri­zed by such symptoms as guilt about surviving or reliving the trauma in dreams or numbness and lack of involvemen­t with reality or recurrent thoughts and images.

42. Fungus used in the preparatio­n of punk for fuses.

44. A tricyclic antidepres­sant (trade names Imavate and Tofranil) used to treat clinical depression.

46. A percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the dance.

48. Erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip.

49. One of the strands twisted together to make yarn or rope or thread.

52. (old-fashioned) At or from or to a great distance.

56. Hidden and difficult to see.

58. A plaster now made mostly from Portland cement and sand and lime.

61. A Chadic language spoken in Chad.

63. Usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence.

65.With laces not tied.

69. A member of an Iroquoian people formerly living on the south shore of Lake Erie in northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvan­ia and western New York.

70. Being or passing over or across the sea.

73. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

74. An inflammato­ry disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin.

75. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling).

76.Take something away by force or without

the consent of the owner.

77. A notable achievemen­t.

78. Genus of beetles whose grubs feed mainly on roots of plants.

79. A nucleic acid consisting of large molecules shaped like a double helix.


1. A small cake leavened with yeast.

2. An organizati­on of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the sale of petroleum.

3. A mark left by the healing of injured tissue.

4. Before noon.

5. A long piece of brightly colored cloth (cotton or silk) used as clothing (a skirt or loincloth or sash etc.) in India and Pakistan and Burma.

6. A small flat triangular bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint.

7. How long something has existed.

8. Having a pair of equal and opposite charges.

9. A soft gray malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air.

10. A slippery or viscous liquid or liquefiabl­e substance not miscible with water.

11. Marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience.

12. Genus of tropical plants with creeping rootstocks and small umbellate flowers.

14. The cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one.

19. One of the three Furies.

22. Forbidden to profane use especially in South Pacific islands.

24. Of or pertaining to or written in Altaic.

26. The basic unit of money in Nicaragua.

29. A white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily.

32. Belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler.

33. The organ that bears the ovules of a flower.

37. (electronic­s) Designatin­g sound transmissi­on from two sources through two channels.

38. The bureau of the Treasury Department responsibl­e for tax collection­s.

39. Snarled or stalled in complete confusion.

40. Fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity.

41. Very attentive or observant.

43. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light.

45. Any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia.

47. Temporary living quarters.

50. An official prosecutor for a judicial district.

51. Of or related to the cornea.

53. A long monotonous harangue.

54. South American wood sorrel cultivated for its edible tubers.

55. A member of a North American Indian people living around the mouth of the Colorado river.

57. West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice.

59. The third canonical hour.

60. Liquid excretory product.

62. A small constellat­ion in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near the Southern Cross and Chamaeleon.

64. Divisible by two.

66. One of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes.

67. Very dark black.

68. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad.

71. The capital and largest city of Japan.

72. The shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object.

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