Kuwait Times

Iranians rally against ‘rioting’; 143 killed in protests: Amnesty


TEHRAN: Supporters of Iran’s government poured into central Tehran yesterday for a massive rally to condemn days of “rioting” that the Islamic republic blames on its foreign foes. Waving the Iranian flag and banners that read “Death to America”, they descended on Enghelab (Revolution) Square from all directions. In a shock announceme­nt on Nov 15, Iran raised the price of petrol by up to 200 percent, triggering nationwide protests in a country whose economy has been battered by US sanctions.

Officials say the demonstrat­ions turned violent because of the interventi­on of “thugs” backed by royalists and Iran’s arch-enemies the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. The square filled up quickly on Monday with young and old, including clerics carrying portraits of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. “Countries like America, Israel or Saudi Arabia... don’t want to see us make progress, develop and have security,” said a housewife at the rally. “We support our leader and, for these reasons, they tried to put a spoke in our wheel,” she told AFP.

The rally was addressed by Major General Hossein Salami, head of the elite Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps which helped to put down the unrest. “This war is over,” Salami told the huge crowd that covered the square and spilled into side streets. “You have defeated the power of the arrogance,” he said, referring to America. “The coup de grace has been delivered.”

Meanwhile, Amnesty Internatio­nal yesterday said at least 143 demonstrat­ors were killed across Iran since leaders ordered security forces to stamp out protests that followed fuel price rises on Nov 15. “According to credible reports... those killed include at least 143 people,” said the London-based rights group. “The deaths have resulted almost entirely from the use of firearms.”

It said one person reportedly died after inhaling tear gas, another after being beaten. Amnesty “believes that the death toll is significan­tly higher” and was still investigat­ing, it said. Amnesty, which last week gave a death toll of more than 100, called for the internatio­nal community to condemn the bloodshed. “The internatio­nal community’s cautious and muted response to the unlawful killing of protesters is woefully inadequate,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty’s research and advocacy head for the Middle East.

“They must condemn these killings in the strongest possible terms and describe these events for what they are - the deadly and wholly unwarrante­d use of force to crush dissent.” Amnesty said “verified videos show security forces deliberate­ly shooting unarmed protesters from a short distance. In some cases, protesters were shot while they were running away”. They also showed security forces shooting from rooftops, it said, adding that the crackdown was carried out by police, Revolution­ary Guards, and the Basij paramilita­ry force “and others”.

Long-fraught links between Tehran and Washington plunged to a new low in May last year when the US unilateral­ly withdrew from an internatio­nal accord that gave Iran relief from sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear program. In his speech, Salami issued a warning for the United States and its allies Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia. “You have received a strong slap in the face,” Salami told them. “If you cross our red lines, we will destroy you.”

Chants of “Death to the USA” and “Death to Israel” rang out as some in the crowd set fire to American flags. On the eve of the rally, an SMS had been sent to citizens urging them to attend the demonstrat­ion, amid an ongoing Internet outage imposed during the unrest. The near-total Internet blackout came at the height of the street unrest in a step seen as aimed at curbing the spread of videos of the violence.

Connectivi­ty has returned to much of the country except for its mobile telephone networks, said NetBlocks, a site that monitors internet disruption­s. NetBlocks said connectivi­ty on Irancell was running at 100 percent, but two other key mobile service providers MCI and RighTel - were down at one and 24 percent respective­ly. The unrest erupted hours after a midnight announceme­nt that the price of petrol would be immediatel­y raised by 50 percent for the first 60 litres and 200 percent for any extra fuel after that each month.

President Hassan Rouhani said the proceeds would allow his government to provide welfare payments to the needy. During the violence, dozens of banks, petrol pumps and police stations were torched across Iran. Officials have confirmed five people were killed, but the death toll from clashes with security forces is thought to be much higher. — Agencies

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 ??  ?? TEHRAN: Iranian pro-government demonstrat­ors gather in the capital’s central Enghelab Square yesterday to condemn days of “rioting”. — AFP
TEHRAN: Iranian pro-government demonstrat­ors gather in the capital’s central Enghelab Square yesterday to condemn days of “rioting”. — AFP

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