Kuwait Times

Australian PM dismisses ‘reckless’ calls to curb coal


SYDNEY: Under-fire Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday rejected calls for “reckless” and “jobdestroy­ing” cuts to the country’s vast coal industry in the face of a deadly climate-fuelled bushfire crisis. Morrison’s conservati­ve government has fiercely defended the lucrative coal industry in Australia, which produces a third of global coal exports and provides work in key swing electoral districts.

“I am not going to write off the jobs of thousands of Australian­s by walking away from traditiona­l industries,” Morrison told the Seven Network, in one of several morning interviews rejecting calls for further action. “What we won’t do is engage in reckless and job-destroying and economy-crunching targets which are being sought,” he told Channel 9, responding to calls for more climate-friendly policies.

Morrison’s media blitz came as he sought to limit the political fallout from a much-criticized Hawaiian holidaytak­en as bushfires destroyed an area the size of Belgium and unleashed toxic smoke into Australia’s major cities. Holiday plans have been hit, with national parks closing camp sites and the main coastal road linking Sydney with southeaste­rn beach towns again shuttered due to the impact of fires.

Conditions eased markedly yesterday, but authoritie­s said in the last few days almost 200 homes have been damaged by fires in South Australia and New South Wales.

Authoritie­s said little was left of the small town of Balmoral, southwest of Sydney, where 67-year-old artist Steve Harrison told public broadcaste­r ABC he had been forced to weather the fire from a make-shift kiln. “I ran to my ute (pickup) but my garden was already on fire, the driveway was on fire, the road was on fire so I couldn’t evacuate,” he said. “The day before I had actually built myself a small kiln down the backa coffin-sized kiln-just big enough for me to crawl inside.”

“I was in there for half an hour while the firestorm went over. It was huge, just glowing orange-red everywhere. Just scary. I was terrified.”

‘Responsibl­e management’ Bushfires occur frequently in Australia, but scientists say several weather phenomena have come together to make this spring-summer bushfire season among the worst on record. Record-low rainfall, record-high temperatur­es and strong winds have made the situation more combustibl­e, and according to scientists, are influenced by climate change.

Morrison has insisted Australia will meet its 2030 emissions targets. “I’m going to maintain the course of responsibl­e management, responsibl­y addressing the changes of climate change and responsibl­y ensuring that we can grow our economy in what is a very tough climate at the moment,” Morrison told the Seven Network.

Australia committed at the 2015 UN climate summit to reduce its emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. However, environmen­tal activists say those targets are not nearly enough to help the world keep global warming to safe levels, and that far deeper cuts are needed. Morrison’s government has further been criticized for seeking to achieve its 2030 targets by counting credits under a complicate­d global accounting method, rather than through new reductions.

While Australia’s national carbon emissions are low compared with major polluters, its fossil fuel exports-mostly coal-account for an estimated seven percent of the world’s carbon emissions. Opposition leader, Labor’s Anthony Albanese pilloried Morrison’s “stubbornne­ss” in refusing “to change course.” “Clearly, this is not businessas-usual. But Mr Morrison is not listening,” Albanese said. “People are scared of what is going on around them. And if Mr Morrison thinks that there’s nothing to see here, it’s because he can’t see through the smoke and haze that’s been created by these bushfires.” — AFP

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