Kuwait Times




1. Precipitat­ion of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents.

5. Type and genus of the Isoetaceae and sole extant genus of the order Isoetales.

12. The most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on.

15. Type genus of the family Arcidae.

16. A Russian soup usually containing beet juice as a foundation.

17. An agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank.

18. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike.

19. Salty fluid secreted by sweat glands.

20. An Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania.

22. The cardinal number that is the sum of four and one.

24. Any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all.

25. An effortful attempt to attain a goal.

26. An island of central Hawaii.

28. The capital and largest city of Greece.

30. An independen­t ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).

33. An associate degree in nursing.

34. Two items of the same kind.

35. A bar of sand.

37. Being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected.

41. Food of a ruminant regurgitat­ed to be chewed again.

42. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light.

44. A plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots.

45. Large genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or small trees with large daisylike flowers.

49. A supply of food especially for a household.

52. The computer-based telephone system of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that provides rapid linkage to MEDLARS.

53. Lacking gonads.

55. A colorless and odorless inert gas.

56. A radioactiv­e element of the actinide series.

57. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad.

59. A defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming interconti­nental ballistic missiles.

61. Half the width of an em.

62. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group.

66. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind.

68. A broken piece of a brittle artifact.

70. The content of cognition.

72. A percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the dance.

75. The craniometr­ic point that is the most prominent point at the back of the head (at the occipital protuberan­ce).

77. The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural).

78. A sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice.

79. Deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers.

81. (British) A waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric.

82. Headdress that protects the head from bad weather.

83. Struck with fear, dread, or consternat­ion. 84. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.


1. A fastener for a door or lid.

2. (of persons) Highest in rank or authority or office.

3. The United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation.

4. Bearing or marked with a label or tag.

5. Realistic Norwegian author who wrote plays on social and political themes (1828-1906).

6. A former French coin of low denominati­on.

7. Order by virtue of superior authority.

8. A program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company.

9. Informal terms for clothing.

10. An internatio­nal organizati­on of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperatio­n among its members.

11. An ancient musical horn made from the horn of a ram.

12. A toxic protein extracted from castor beans.

13. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River.

14. A member of a nomadic people of the northern Ural mountains.

21. The main city of ancient Phoenicia.

23. An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect.

27. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs northeast into the Rhine.

29. A member of the Siouan people of Virginia and North Carolina.

31. A fighter who batters the opponent.

32. Having come or been brought to a conclusion.

36. Similar or related in quality or character.

38. Mild form of diabetes mellitus that develops gradually in adults.

39. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in ancient mythology.

40. A British peer ranking below a Marquess and above a Viscount.

43. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC).

46. Type genus of the Alaudidae.

47. Grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished.

48. Yellow-fever mosquitos.

50. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods.

51. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregati­on.

54. (Bible) The archangel who was the messenger of God.

58. Type genus of the Anhimidae.

60. A mark used by an author or editor to indicate where something is to be inserted into a text.

63. Love intensely.

64. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables.

65. An indehiscen­t fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp.

67. An informal term for a father.

69. A blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetica­lly.

71. Fallow deer.

73. An accountant certified by the state.

74. Any high mountain.

76. A coenzyme derived from the B vitamin nicotinic acid.

80. Being or moving higher in position or greater in some value.

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