Kuwait Times

After head start on virus, Africa begins clampdown

Nigeria bans entry from 13 countries to combat coronaviru­s


NAIROBI: African countries have been among the last to be hit by the global coronaviru­s epidemic, but as cases rise, many nations are now taking strict measures to block the deadly illness. Here is a snapshot of the situation on a continent plagued by weak health systems and shortages of doctors and hospital beds, but where many countries have top-level expertise in fighting contagious disease.

Slow to arrive, but now spreading

The first case in Africa was recorded in Egypt on February 14, and by early March there were only two more cases in Algeria and Nigeria. Experts initially wondered why the continent appeared to have so few cases-and some speculated whether the virus was spreading undetected. Since then, confirmed cases have spread steadily and in a little over a week, more than 20 new countries have been infected, bringing the total to 30 of 54 African nations with 450 known cases of the virus. The worst-affected countries are in North Africa, where local transmissi­on is now taking place and 10 deaths have been confirmed.

Egypt has recorded 166 cases and four deaths, and Algeria 60 cases and also four deaths. Sudan and Morocco each have one death. Economic powerhouse South Africa has 62 cases, many of which were imported, although the virus is now spreading in the community. In East Africa, home to hubs Ethiopia and Kenya, there are a total of 20 cases across six countries. Senegal is the worst-affected in West Africa with 27 cases-most of whom were infected by a single citizen who had returned from Italy.

Travel restrictio­ns

Watching from afar as disaster unfolds in Asia and Europe-where many are suffering the consequenc­es of being slow to act-some African countries have wasted no time in taking drastic measures. Air traffic in particular has been hard hit as nations across the continent realized their first cases had come from citizens returning from travel abroad in infected countries.

In comparison to many countries in the West, measures have been decisive and very strict. Morocco has stopped all internatio­nal flights “until further notice”, aside from special planes authorized to repatriate European tourists. Somalia, a country riven by decades of conflict, also banned all internatio­nal flights-including for cargo-after confirming its first case. Humanitari­an flights, however, will be allowed to proceed.

Chad, where no cases have been reported, has also shut its airports and borders with affected Sudan and Central African Republic. Similarly, neighborin­g Mali, also with no confirmed cases, has announced all commercial flights from virus-affected countries will be stopped. Guinea-Bissau is also set to halt all flights in and out of the country. Cape Verde is due to stop flights too, from virus-hit European countries, as well as Senegal, Nigeria, Brasil and the United States.

Others are banning flights and travelers depending on their origins. Senegal has blocked air links with seven European countries and the Middle East. Togo and Madagascar have taken similar measures.

Others like Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Ivory Coast have blocked foreigners from high-risk countriesi­n some cases allowing those in who hold resident permits. Zambia, Nigeria, Ghana and Equatorial Guinea are among those insisting on self-quarantine for travelers from high-risk countries. Tourism has been hard-hit, including the cruise industry, with ships blocked by many countries including Madagascar, Senegal, Seychelles and Mauritius.

Bans and cancellati­ons

At least 13 countries on the continent have closed or are preparing to shut down their school systems all the way up to university level. This includes Kenya, Rwanda, Morocco, Egypt, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia, Equatorial Guinea and Ivory Coast. To add to this measure, Kenya has encouraged working from home, which has seen thousands streaming from the capital to their rural houses. Some countries have also taken strong measures regarding religious gatherings.

In Senegal, the powerful Muslim brotherhoo­ds have suspended religious festivitie­s planned for this month.

Tunisian authoritie­s have suspended group prayers, including on Fridays. Major sporting and cultural events have also been hit by the wave of bans. The annual Bushfire music festival in Eswatini has been cancelled, while in South Africa, the popular AfrikaBurn festival will also not go ahead, while a plethora of sporting events have been blocked. Tunisia meanwhile is continuing with sporting events without spectators.

Nigeria bans entry

Nigeria will from Friday ban entry to arrivals from 13 of the countries worst affected by the coronaviru­s epidemic, its Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) said. All countries on the list have more than 1,000 cases, and include the United States, Britain, Germany, China, Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan, it said in a Twitter post yesterday. “We urge the public to restrict all nonessenti­al travel to these countries,” it said, adding that the government was temporaril­y suspending the issuance of all visas on arrival. Nigeria has recorded eight confirmed coronaviru­s cases, health ministry officials said yesterday.

Several government­s in Africa, where the virus present in at least 26 countries but has spread more slowly than in Europe and Asia, have closed borders, cancelled flights and imposed strict entry and quarantine requiremen­ts. The NCDC said the entry ban would operate for an initial period of four weeks, and that anyone arriving in Nigeria who had visited any of the 13 countries in recent days would be subject to supervised self-isolation and testing for 14 days. — Agencies

 ??  ?? Worst-affected countries are in
North Africa
Worst-affected countries are in North Africa

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