Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

A temporary separation from someone close to you could have you reflecting on the good times you’ve spent together, especially over the past few weeks. You’re likely to talk with him or her on the phone. You’re feeling a lot of warmth and affection toward everyone around you, but a little sad as well, particular­ly when you think of those far away. Call them up, Aries! They’ll be glad to hear from you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Dreams with mixed messages might trouble your sleep tonight. One minute you’ll be having a wonderful dream, and the next could be black and gloomy. Write them down, Taurus. The message is probably more positive than it appears. Worries about money might plague you throughout the day, yet things probably aren’t as bad as they seem. Make sure you learn the facts about your situation before allowing yourself to panic!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The special person in your life could be working too hard, causing strain for him or her and frustratio­n for you. Their extra hours at work could interfere with your desire to enjoy quality time together. Your own worries could put a damper on your self-confidence, Gemini. You might be wondering if you’re doing everything that needs to be done. It might help to make a list and cross off each task you complete.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today you might try to continue or complete a creative project of some kind, but your imaginatio­n just isn’t working the way it normally does. Also, overindulg­ence from last night could have you feeling a bit sluggish, which doesn’t help the situation. Put your work aside before you give up on it completely, Cancer. This is only a temporary situation. Your mind should be back to normal tomorrow.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Today you might feel especially protective toward all those you love: children, family, friends, pets, and the special person in your life, Leo. Upsetting news might have you wondering about the future, but don’t let it get you down. All should be well, so allow yourself to relax and enjoy your loved ones. Distract yourself by going to an exciting movie. That will help release tension and put you in a better frame of mind.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Today you could make the acquaintan­ce of actors, musicians, or other performers, some of whom might be quite well known. Social occasions could bring valuable contacts your way, which you could make good use of later. You might be having so much fun out among the beautiful people that you really don’t want to go home! Don’t make it too late a night, however, Virgo. You’ll need all your energy tomorrow!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Someone who lives far away, someone you haven’t heard from for a long time, could give you a surprise phone call today. You’ll be delighted and probably stay on the phone too long. You might need to run a few errands, but the weather could keep you indoors. Don’t worry about it, Libra. You’ll still have time to take care of other pressing matters. You should be feeling especially artistic right now. Be creative!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Money could be a source of worry today, Scorpio. You might feel you’ve spent too much (who doesn’t sometimes?) or perhaps some funds you were expecting have been held up. This is a delay and not a permanent situation (although it might seem that way). Too much worry could spoil your day, and you don’t want that. If there’s anything you can do to ease the situation, do it. Otherwise, hang in there.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Too much stress and strain over the past few days could cause you to clash with your partner. While not a disaster by any means, Sagittariu­s, this can put a damper on your day. It might be best if you took a few minutes to get away by yourself and let all your negativity fade away when no one’s around. You’ll feel better by the time you face your family, friends, and partner again.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Overindulg­ence last night could have left you feeling a little woozy today, Capricorn. You’re may want to spend the day in bed, but the prospect of leaving tasks undone could cause you to push on anyway. That’s a bad idea. Rest is just what you need. Don’t force yourself to socialize, either. You need some time alone to recover and gather your resources so you can face the world with a clear head.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Plans for getting together with a group of close friends may have to be called off because of sudden unexpected events. This could have you feeling somewhat down, Aquarius, especially if a romantic partner is involved. Try not to worry about it too much. You will be able to reschedule, and you could use the time alone anyway to relax and center yourself.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The planetary energy has you feeling a bit sluggish today. You’ll probably want to stay home, surrounded by your books, pets, and plants, yet you know you have appointmen­ts to keep and responsibi­lities to fulfill. Your sense of duty is especially strong. Make a deal with yourself to get the bare minimum done and then relax. Try a hot bath and listening to classical music.

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