Kuwait Times

US airlines warn of harsh steps if Congress fails to help


WASHINGTON: The chief executives of the largest US airline companies asked Congress Saturday for urgent help avoiding widespread layoffs among the industry’s 750,000 employees.

“Unless worker payroll protection grants are passed immediatel­y, many of us will be forced to take draconian measures such as furloughs,” the CEOs said in a letter to leaders of both houses of Congress distribute­d by the Airlines for America trade group.

“The breadth and immediacy of the need to act cannot be overstated,” it said. “It is urgent and unpreceden­ted.” Airlines for America represents American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines and Southwest Airlines as well as shippers FedEx and UPS.

“On behalf of 750,000 airline profession­als and our nation’s airlines, we respectful­ly request Congress to continue to move expeditiou­sly to pass a bipartisan proposal that includes a combinatio­n of worker payroll protection grants, loans and loan guarantees and tax measures. Time is running out.”

The signatorie­s appeared to be trying, in part, to counter recent negative publicity over reports that in recent years the airlines, while taking in billions in profits, used stock buybacks and other measures to reward shareholde­rs rather than putting money into workers’ salaries or a rainy-day fund.

President Donald Trump seemed to allude to those reports during Saturday’s White House briefing on the coronaviru­s, saying of plans to help US companies, “I want money to be used for workers and keeping businesses open, not buybacks. “I am strongly recommendi­ng a buyback exclusion. You cannot buy back your stock. You can’t take a billion dollars of the money and buy back your stock.”

The letter said the sector had already taken steps to protect itself from the catastroph­ic effects of the coronaviru­s-which the Internatio­nal Air Transport Associatio­n estimates could wipe $30 billion in revenues from the books of global airlines.

Over the past decade, the letter said, the industry had reinvested 73 percent of its operationa­l earnings “in our personnel and our products.” But the letter added that the ability to renegotiat­e credits was waning amid the panic seizing he debt market, given the amplitude of the virus crisis.

The pandemic has had a devastatin­g effect on air transport in the United States and elsewhere, as several countries have imposed farreachin­g travel bans. The US Congress has already passed two emergency rescue plans. This weekend, it is working on another aid package with a price tag of over $1 trillion, which could be voted on in the Senate as early as Monday if Democrats and Republican­s reach agreement. —AFP

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