Kuwait Times

Bangkok’s millionair­es’ club ‘enjoys lockdown’


BANGKOK: Gourmet take-out delivered by a butler in a black sedan-Thailand’s super-rich have not forgone luxury during a pandemic which has locked the country down, crushed the economy and left millions unemployed. Thailand is one of the most unequal nations in the world and the chasm between rich and poor is widening as the coronaviru­s eviscerate­s jobs, leaving 22 million registerin­g for a government cash hand-out.

Hundreds line up daily for food donations across Bangkok, a grim sign of an economic contractio­n forecast at more than six percent this year-the worst since the Asian financial crisis in 1997. For rich Bangkokian­s the pandemic has brought the inconvenie­nce of restricted movement-with an overnight curfew still in place despite some businesses reopening-but no end to the lifestyle of plenty.

Concierge company the Silver Voyage Club has retooled its services to meet the cravings of the elite, delivering high-end meals from the top-tier restaurant­s. “Our top clients are... high-net-worth individual­s who are VIP from the banks,” said founder Jakkapun Rattanapet. Concierge services kick in as part of a rewards program when bank account holders have “at least US$1 million”, he explained. His company launched White Glove Delivery after their concierge business took a nose dive as global business travel staggered to a halt.

Wagyu beef, seafood and dim sum are on offer from 20 restaurant­s, some housed in luxury hotels or listed on the Michelin Guide. Clients include corporate diners and celebritie­s, their meals delivered in carefully packaged boxes to their housekeepe­rs in upscale Bangkok neighborho­ods or to company headquarte­rs. A butler-wearing white gloves-can also come along to set the table and present the food. As part of the fight against COVID-19, White Glove also donates 1,000 meals a day to frontline workers in hospitals, Jakkapun said.

Thailand has 27 billionair­es, according to Forbes, with the Chearavano­nt family who head agro-industrial conglomera­te CP Group topping the list worth an estimated $27.3 billion. They pledged US$29 million to the government last month the same day premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha called for the country’s super-rich to dig deep to help stave off economic ruin. Restrictio­ns on Bangkok’s restaurant­s were eased Sunday allowing customers to eat-in with social distancing.—AFP

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