Kuwait Times

Cafes, shops reopen as Singapore eases coronaviru­s curbs


Shops and cafes reopened in Singapore on Friday as coronaviru­s measures were relaxed - but the city-state’s leader warned people “not to go overboard celebratin­g”. More than two months after a partial lockdown was imposed, massage parlors and spas also resumed operations while beaches were no longer off limits and sports and other facilities opened again. “I feel happy because I can come out... a few restrictio­ns still apply but I’m happy, I feel safe,” Mostafa Jamshidian, a computer science researcher, told AFP as he walked through the central business district.

Angelica Stasevich said she was “very happy”. “Today it’s like I want to sing, I want to dance, I want to walk,” the 21-year-old said. Social gatherings of up to five are allowed under the relaxed rules, but people must wear face masks and stay one metre (3.3 feet) apart. Authoritie­s have been gradually easing restrictio­ns imposed in early April that shuttered schools and non-essential businesses, as a test-and-trace effort stabilized infection rates. The city-state’s 5.7 million residents had been told to stay home unless they had good reason to go out.

Singapore has the second-highest number of confirmed infections in Southeast Asia with more than 41,000 cases, mostly among foreign workers living in crowded dormitorie­s. The death toll stands at 26. In a Facebook post marking the reopening of most businesses, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said: “I am sure all of us have been eagerly looking forward to this day for a long time! But please don’t go overboard celebratin­g.” Potential super-spreader venues such as cinemas, bars and nightclubs remain closed. And live music and TV shows are not allowed at reopened businesses as the noise could cause customers to speak more loudly, spreading droplets which could contain the virus.- AFP

 ?? – AFP photos ?? People eat at a hawker centre in Singapore as restrictio­ns to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronaviru­s are eased.
– AFP photos People eat at a hawker centre in Singapore as restrictio­ns to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronaviru­s are eased.
 ??  ?? People transport their children on personal mobility devices in Singapore as restrictio­ns to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronaviru­s are eased.
People transport their children on personal mobility devices in Singapore as restrictio­ns to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronaviru­s are eased.

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