Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a good day to stand up for yourself and make it known that you aren't a pushover, Aries. Use the powerful energy of the day to follow through on projects that may have lost momentum. Pick up the reins and take control of the direction of your life. Feel free to be more aggressive than you normally would. Show others your incredible worth.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

If you want to shine brightly, Taurus, then do so. Maintainin­g balance includes sometimes being a bit selfish. Feel free to radiate your beauty to the world. If you aren't in a situation that makes you happy, change the situation. There's no reason for you to be miserable. Don't allow yourself to be pushed around by other people's whims. Be free, be yourself, even if it means you might create tension with others.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

People would be wise to get out of your way today, Gemini. You might find yourself feeling like a steam engine that's stoked to the brim with fiery hot coals. You're likely to be adamant about your course, and no one is going to be able to pull you off track. If people look carefully, they might even be able to see the steam coming out of your ears.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The fiery energy of the day is helping you press on with projects you have in the works. Set things in motion now, Cancer. Move out of the background and onto center stage. Your rocket is fueled and ready to take off. All you have to do now is ignite the engine. Use the power of your emotions to deliver a boost that will propel you to the stars.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You might be charged with energy but feel you have nowhere to aim it, Leo. The force is there, but the goal may not be. Talking with others may only confuse you. Listen to yourself. You know yourself better than anyone else does. You have nothing to fear. Don't let doubt consume you. If it doesn't seem like the right time to make a move, don't worry. There's nothing wrong with stillness.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Arguments that have been brewing are coming to a climactic point for you, Virgo. Don't be surprised if heated opposition rears its head today. This is likely a result of your own doing. Cycles of anger are reaching a critical point, and your stubborn character is butting heads with an equally strong force. Try not to take yourself too seriously. Life is meant to be fun. Our objective is to be happy.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

There is no need to frown when another person walks by just because you don't know that person, Libra. You must break the habit of living your life in fear. Take active steps toward curing this trend by not stepping down when strong forces try to intimidate you with brute strength. Promote the picture of peace and serenity that you have inside your head. Bring out more of your inner self.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

A blast of energy is headed your way today, Scorpio. You'll find that there is no shortage of adrenaline in your system. Don't delay - there are opportunit­ies now that may not be there for you later. Action is the name of the game. You'll be noticed and properly rewarded for your efforts. Your emotions have a great deal of strength now.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You could run into some emotional roadblocks today, Sagittariu­s. This could be due to a lack of honesty on your part. Make sure you're sticking to the truth at all times. A strong, forceful energy could challenge your ego. Don't be surprised if this force is emotionall­y highly charged. Conflict is apt to result if you aren't honest about your feelings as soon as they arise.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

There is a fun-loving, boisterous energy to the day that should give you a great deal of power and self-confidence. You'll be extremely effective in everything you put your hand to, Capricorn. Remember to love yourself and believe in the things you say and do. Generate passionate love from your heart. No one will be able to respond with anything but the same.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You might be getting a bit forceful with your emotions today, Aquarius. Don't be surprised if you're like a fire-breathing dragon when you speak. Sparks are apt to fly. Strong feelings have been building up inside you. Now is the time to release them in all their intensity. People need to hear the things you have to say. You're doing yourself and others a disservice by keeping it all bottled up inside.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This is a fantastic day for you, Pisces. You'll have a great deal of physical power. Engage in activities that put this strength to good use. Tackle projects vigorously and feel free to speak up. Make sure that the whole world knows that you're handling every task. People would be unwise to cross you today, because you have a great deal of warrior energy and won't hesitate to strike back.

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