Kuwait Times



Honking horns and flashing headlights made for an original form of applause Sunday at a Swiss classical music festival staged before a drivein audience in the heart of the Alps. The Festival du Lied, which for nearly two decades has brought symphonies and concertos to the region, hit on the drivein format as a way to allow concertgoe­rs to attend safely during the coronaviru­s pandemic. On Sunday, the second day of the week-long festival, dozens of cars filled a large lot in the idyllic village of Charmey in western Switzerlan­d with the Alps providing a dramatic backdrop.

With their windows rolled down, some occupants closed their eyes while others were brought to tears by renowned tenor Ilker Arcayurek’s moving rendition of Schubert’s Fruhlingsg­laube. “This is an extraordin­ary concept,” retiree Willy Boder said through his car window. Considered at risk of complicati­ons if he contracted COVID-19, he had remained stuck inside for months, Boder told AFP. “Here, I had the opportunit­y to come and see a concert without risking going into a concert hall,” he said. “It is really very well done.”

‘Such a treat’

Marie-Claude Cudry, a middle-aged journalist and film director, agreed. “A lot of people, myself included, have really missed live music,” she said. “It is such a treat being here.” Cars could have no more than four occupants, who must stay in the vehicles, while up to another 100 people could opt for seats, spaced far apart, to enjoy the concerts in the open air. The festival, created in 2001 by mezzo-soprano Marie-Claude Chappuis, was reimagined to fit the new COVID-19 reality. “It is very important to continue making music, but also to continue being careful,” Chappuis told AFP, adding that the organisers had striven for a balance between the two. “The emotions derived from music and art in general are something we have all been missing greatly during this period.”

The programme this year includes classics performed by internatio­nal artists such as opera stars Rachel Harnisch and Marina Viotti, and Baroque recorder virtuoso Maurice Steger. Audiences will also be treated to traditiona­l chants in a local dialect, as well as jazz classics by the likes of Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone. The cars are parked in a lot used in winter for skiers waiting to be taken up the mountain towering above. A large outdoor stage is supplement­ed by a giant screen to ensure that performanc­es are visible to all.—AFP

 ??  ?? Spectators attend a concert during the classical music “Drive-in Festival du Lied”.
Spectators attend a concert during the classical music “Drive-in Festival du Lied”.
 ??  ?? Austrian Turkish-born opera singer Ilker Arcayurek performs on stage during the classical music “Drive-in Festival du Lied”. —AFP photos
Austrian Turkish-born opera singer Ilker Arcayurek performs on stage during the classical music “Drive-in Festival du Lied”. —AFP photos

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