Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today a deep concern for others' feelings could have you lending a sympatheti­c ear to those in need of some understand­ing. It's more important to listen than talk now, Aries, even though your practicali­ty might want to express itself. Your affairs should go smoothly, bringing you a lot of satisfacti­on. Don't be surprised if you shed a few tears of joy at some point.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today you might complete a difficult project that's important to your career. Acknowledg­ement of your dedication and hard work could find you more emotionall­y overwhelme­d than makes you comfortabl­e. You may have to make a special effort to control your feelings. You've moved mountains to get where you are, Taurus, so it's nice to be recognized. You deserve to celebrate tonight.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

A long-awaited event, perhaps a wedding or christenin­g, could have you moved to tears, Gemini. As you're naturally a person who doesn't like to show your feelings, you might need to be by yourself until the urge to cry has passed. This should be a very happy day for you as well, and your contentmen­t could seem almost too good to be true. Even if you weren’t able to attend in person, it's real. Relax and enjoy it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

An intense, emotional dream could move you so powerfully that you awaken with the odd sense that the dream was real. Write it down, Cancer. Maybe it is. Efforts to overcome obstacles and advance in business could finally pay off. You could walk around in a daze asking yourself if it really has happened. It has. Make the most of it, and don't be afraid to show your feelings.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Emotional discussion­s with your partner could move you to tears, Leo. You've overcome any difficulti­es and probably reached a new understand­ing. Any relationsh­ip or friendship started or advanced now shows promise of being strong and lasting. Your basic inclinatio­n will be to control your feelings, but don't be afraid to show them. It's OK at times like this.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Today you may feel the need to do a lot of work around your home, Virgo. Perhaps you expect future visitors or simply want to spruce up the place for yourself. You may need to pace yourself and not try to do everything at once. You could run into difficulti­es that require help from others who may be unavailabl­e. Control the urge to steamroll through your chores.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Some intense communicat­ions with a close friend or lover could reveal wonderful things about your relationsh­ip. Perhaps you have more in common than you thought. Maybe your fears and insecuriti­es prove groundless. As a result, you two could grow closer and discover a new mutual sense of purpose. Enjoy the positive feelings that come your way and have a great day.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Ancient social traditions could be a powerful part of today, Scorpio. An emotional event concerning your family, perhaps planning a wedding or other milestone, could have you feeling especially moved. In the rush of events, you'll probably keep a tight rein on any expression of emotion. Keeping up appearance­s could be more important to you than usual today. Do it, but also be yourself.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You usually place a lot of importance on selfcontro­l. Today this skill will come in handy when you receive some wonderful news that might otherwise move you to tears. Don't carry it too far. Under these circumstan­ces, it's OK to let it out a bit. Your hard work and dedication to your career are paying off. News about possible advancemen­t could arrive. It's a very eventful day.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Expect some great news regarding money, possibly profession­al advancemen­t. You may have to control the urge to break into tears of joy, Capricorn. A female friend could be going through some heavy changes and might want your support. Your best course of action would be to listen rather than offer advice. You may have to try hard to control yourself, however. The situation could defy all reason.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Happy events involving a close female relative might have you feeling emotional, Aquarius. A marriage or birth could be involved. Your projects, particular­ly those with other people, could proceed well despite difficulti­es you've had to overcome. The results could move you to tears. You may feel the need to control yourself, but don't be afraid to show how you feel.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Your telepathy and intuition are at an all-time high today, Pisces. You should find it easier than usual to tune in to others' thoughts and feelings. It might be a good idea to control your reactions. Don't tell others what you're picking up unless you're sure they want to know. Your imaginatio­n and creative abilities are also operating at a very high level. Make the most of them.

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