Kuwait Times

Turkish Cypriots elect candidate backed by Erdogan


NICOSIA: Turkish Cypriots in breakaway northern Cyprus on Sunday narrowly elected right-wing nationalis­t Ersin Tatar, backed by Ankara, in a run-off poll, at a time of heightened tensions in the eastern Mediterran­ean. Tatar, 60, clinched his surprise victory in a second round of presidenti­al elections, winning 51.7 percent of the vote, official results showed.

He edged out incumbent Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, 72, a supporter of reunificat­ion with the Greek Cypriot south of the divided island, leaving attempts to relaunch long- stalled UN-brokered talks hanging in the balance. Tatar is an advocate of a twostate solution and held the post of premier in the selfprocla­imed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), recognized only by Ankara.

He controvers­ially received the open backing of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the election campaign. In a victory speech to hundreds of cheering and Turkish flag-waving supporters, Tatar thanked Turkey’s head of state and said: “We deserve our sovereignt­y - we are the voice of Turkish Cypriots. “We are fighting to exist within the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, therefore our neighbors in the south and the world community should respect our fight for freedom.”

There was no immediate official reaction from the Greek Cypriot government or ruling party in the south of the island, which is an European Union member state, although opposition parties were quick to lament the outcome.

 ??  ?? NICOSIA: Newly-elected Turkish Cypriot President Ersin Tatar celebrates with supporters after winning the presidenti­al election in the northern part of Nicosia on Sunday. — AFP
NICOSIA: Newly-elected Turkish Cypriot President Ersin Tatar celebrates with supporters after winning the presidenti­al election in the northern part of Nicosia on Sunday. — AFP

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