Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

There should be no doubt in your mind about which way to proceed, Aries. Don't let self-doubt sneak into the picture. Your mind is sensitive and alert, so trust it. Take the lead when you feel confident about a situation. Make sure to eat plenty of protein-rich foods. They'll help stabilize and bring you another step closer to the realizatio­n of your dreams.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your rock-star attitude may be getting a bit old now, Taurus. People aren't going to continue to listen to your demands for attention. Every person in the world is special, so try not to act as if you're the only one who is. Help a child assemble a new toy today or help a friend pick out a new shirt. Do something for others instead of always expecting things for yourself.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your ship is finally coming into port after being out in rough seas for so long, Gemini. It's time to dock the boat for a while. Relax and explore the area. There is nothing wrong with getting off your vessel for a while. You may not even realize how much you've missed solid ground until now. Remember what it's like to be stable again.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You may still be on something of a high from the last couple weeks. You will definitely be tempted to let the good times continue to roll, Cancer. Think about ways you can keep them rolling while still maintainin­g good judgment. Don't let things get too out of control today. It's important that you maintain a bit of stability at all times.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Communicat­e from a centered space today, Leo. Fortunatel­y, the nature of the day caters to your needs and desires. You shouldn't have to work too hard to get what you want. Things should come to you naturally. You may wonder why you got stressed out before over what now seem to be small issues. Consciousl­y release the worry and concern that are still stored in your body.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

There should be no doubt in your mind about which way to proceed, Virgo. Don't let self-doubt sneak into the picture. Your mind is sensitive and alert, so trust it. Take the lead when you feel confident about a situation. Make sure to eat plenty of protein-rich foods. They'll help stabilize and bring you another step closer to the realizatio­n of your dreams.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You will feel much better about yourself if you get things done today, Libra. Like a meal that tastes good but isn't necessaril­y good for you, you might enjoy this day by being lazy, but you won't feel so good when night comes and you realize that you haven't accomplish­ed anything. Use the day productive­ly so you have a sense of fulfillmen­t by tonight.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You might consider taking a rest today, Scorpio. Like a sailboat on the ocean, you've been taxed lately by all the turbulence. The pressure on you has been tremendous. Think about pulling your sails to half-mast in order to take a break. You may not be going as quickly as before, but you will find that this is exactly the rest you need in order to complete the voyage.

Sagittariu­s ( November22-December 21)

Your thinking is apt to be quite clear and rational today, Sagittariu­s. This is especially important since others will be looking for your thoughts and opinions on a certain matter. People will know that they can get a straight and honest answer from you, so don't disappoint them. Think through each situation clearly before you offer your advice. You will find that it's worth the effort.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

By being around negative and flip people, you might inadverten­tly pick up these habits. Be careful about your associates, Capricorn, because you will find that others judge you according to the company you keep, especially if you start talking like them. Make sure to maintain a respectful attitude and proper manners no matter who your company is.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You may feel like the world is caving in on you in many ways today, Aquarius. It could be that you've recently dug your own little cave to crawl into and be safe from the outside world. Realize that the deeper you dig in unstable terrain, the more unsteady the walls. If you aren't careful, it's likely to come crashing down on top of you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It may be hard to connect with others today, Pisces. People may be rather indecisive. On the other hand, people are apt to be more malleable. This could be a good time to take charge. Be sure that youa keep in mind the best interests of all parties involved. It isn't fair for you to take advantage of people who can't make up their own minds about something.

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