Kuwait Times

Turkish soft power feeds Syria fridges


IDLIB, Syria: In his pastry shop in the northwest of war-torn Syria, Abu Emad can finally display his mouthwater­ing eclairs without fearing a power cut now that he receives electricit­y from neighborin­g Turkey. “Electricit­y is the backbone of my business,” said the elated 31-year-old, inside his family business inji ha dist dominated Idlib city .“Without it, I can’t work.”

After years of squanderin­g savings on unreliable private generators, he now pays a Syrian company Turkish lira to provide his shop with an almost continuous supply of Turkish-generated power. His humming fridges are just one facet of Ankara’s growing influence in northwest Syria, where Turkish charities are helping displaced families by building homes.

Connection to Turkish power has been life-changing for many like Abu Emad, both in Idlib city and the wider region, who have had no reliable supply since Damascus pulled the plug after the area was overrun by rebels in 2012. “Before, we’d make only one or two kinds of pastries, but now

we’ve started making all sorts and filling up our fridges because we can keep them on again,” the business owner said.

Outside the Idlib region, in areas Turkey and its Syrian proxies have seized along the border since 2016, Ankara has set up a de-facto protectora­te. There, Turkish currency, schoolbook­s, road signs, post offices and telecom services have become a part of everyday life. But Turkish influence had until now been slower to trickle into the Idlib region, where a so-called “Salvation Government” with ties to Syria’s former Al-Qaeda affiliate is still in charge.

Turkey backs some rebel groups inside the stronghold, but its troops have remained deployed strictly along its edges under a 2020 ceasefire deal with the Damascus regime and its principal backer Moscow. Across Idlib city in recent weeks, however, men in yellow vests employed by a Syrian firm called Green Energy have been laying down cables to bring in power from Turkey. Director Osama Abu Zeid said the company was operating with the full approval of both Ankara and the Idlib authoritie­s.

In Idlib city and some other areas near the border, it has since May started providing businesses as well as hospitals, water stations, bakeries and flour mills - with power for more than half the day, he said. Using existing public and private networks for now, it was also working to provide homes with 10 hours of electricit­y at a rate of 50 Turkish lira ($5) per ampere, he said.

In recent years, residents have relied mostly on private generators, though some have also started switching to solar power. Abu Zeid said the project now bringing in Turkish power was not politicall­y motivated, but instead aimed to “alleviate our people’s suffering” and revive the region’s economy. He also said the company had “no affiliatio­n with the Salvation Government” running the Idlib region, and that the administra­tion would not share in the profits. The local authoritie­s would only police the network, and hold accountabl­e anyone who intentiona­lly damaged it, he said. — AFP

 ?? — AFP ?? IDLIB: Syrian pastry maker Mustafa Abu Emad works at his Al-Nawair store in the main Al-Saa (clock tower) Square on June 12, 2021.
— AFP IDLIB: Syrian pastry maker Mustafa Abu Emad works at his Al-Nawair store in the main Al-Saa (clock tower) Square on June 12, 2021.

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