Kuwait Times

Staying energized during last 10 days of Ramadan


Don’t skip Suhoor

Even if you do not feel hungry, try to eat a small meal. Suhoor is extremely important for getting you through the day. Eat energy-releasing foods, which are high in protein, fiber, and carbohydra­tes.

Stay active

During Ramadan, we seem to take fasting as an excuse to move around as little as possible. But you will actually feel more energetic if you walk frequently during the day, even for 5-7 minutes. If frequent short walks aren’t your thing, try to take a walk after iftar or suhoor and do some light exercises at home. Don’t forget to take deep steady breaths while you move your body.

Take naps

Everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep. If you’re not getting it, you will end up feeling tired and lazy throughout the day. Many people exhaust all their energy in the first few days of worship, so they don’t make it through all 10 days with the same vigor as when they started. So adjust some power naps in between your worship timings and work schedule. It will really energize you and give you the boost you need to stand in prayer and supplicati­on in the last few days of Ramadan.

Have a meal, not a feast

There is no need to overdose on food during Ramadan. We know that food, especially on an empty stomach, looks a bit too tempting and the urge to eat it all is overpoweri­ng, especially at iftar. However, you must resist. Overeating leads to abdominal discomfort, causing high levels of laziness and lethargy, leaving your body tired. Instead of having one large meal, have two or three smaller meals throughout the eating hours. You will find yourself to be much more active during your worship routine.

Remind yourself of your goal

If you feel yourself getting exhausted towards the end of Ramadan and you feel it’s getting a bit too much, remind yourself of the bigger purpose behind fasting. You are doing it for Allah and to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Remind yourself of all this and it will give you the dedication and energy to power through those last ten days and make the most of them.

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