Kuwait Times

Don’t just activate the pause button

- By Shaimaa Elkholi

One day I heard a lot of young people say to me “now why does Islam say everything is haram, haram, haram.” Actually, this is not true. Islam doesn’t say everything is haram, but when there’s so much haram and corruption around us, it looks like Islam has forbidden everything. This is because we are living in the time about which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned us that sins would be taken lightly.

Since Ramadan is the month of fasting, but that is only a part of it. It is the month of the Noble Quran, the month of tears and regret, the month of forgivenes­s, the month of tranquilit­y, the month of goodness and the month of mercy, wherein we practice self-restraint and we do what Allah ordained. From that standpoint, “don’t just activate the pause button” on your sins; rather let them completely go. Delete them. Let Ramadan be the chance, the starting point to get rid of your sins and bad habits. Don’t postpone repentance (tawbah). Don’t just put your sins aside, instead, let them end for good with no intention to return to them.

A sin in Ramadan is greater than a sin in a month other than Ramadan, a sin in the Haram of Makkah is greater than a sin outside the Haram. From this perspectiv­e, evilness of sins increases during certain days and places, the punishment is greater for these sins. It weighs heavier and greater than it would in other months.

The word Ramadan is derived from the Arabic root word “Ar-Ramadh” which refers to the intensely scorching heat of the sun. Thus, Ramadan is the month wherein the sins of the believers are burned by their righteous deeds. Now, let’s move to the most significan­t question, which is “How can one stop sinning during Ramadan?”

If you intentiona­lly and willingly commit a sin, repent and ask All-Loving Allah, humbly to forgive you. To stop sinning, especially in Ramadan, requires self-discipline, mindfulnes­s and a sincere intention. At the same time, we need to remember that no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

The key is to be sincere in our efforts to improve, to seek forgivenes­s when we falter and to strive to do better each day.

Here are some steps we can follow:

• Make dua continuous­ly and ask Allah (SWT) for guidance, strength and protection against sinning.

• Seek forgivenes­s: If you commit a sin, seek forgivenes­s from Allah (SWT) immediatel­y, through sincere repentance, and make a firm commitment not to repeat it.

• Increase your awareness: Be conscious of your actions, thoughts and words and remember that Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection and self-improvemen­t – among others.

• Engage in good deeds: Fill your time with acts of worship such as praying, reading the Glorious Quran, giving charity and helping others. The more you engage yourself in positive activities, the less time you

will have for sinning.

• Practice self-control: Use this month as an opportunit­y to develop self-discipline, and control your desires as fasting will help you train your body and mind to resist temptation.

• Community support: Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individual­s who want to get closer to Almighty Allah.

Let Ramadan be the turning point, not just for Ramadan only, but for the whole year and the rest of your life. It may be your last chance. You may not witness the holy month of Ramadan again. Start reading the Holy Quran now. Start from now, even if only a verse a day. Start making your prayers regularly and promise yourself and Allah never to stop. Start at least one consistent good deed and never lag behind in performing it. Start giving charity and intend to pay your zakat this month.

Make a promise to help one person a day and don’t forget the amazing rewards you will reap of these good deeds. Majestic Allah needs nothing from His servants. He only wants their obedience. You are the one who will gain. Take the chance now. Don’t wait for tomorrow or for ‘later on’. Change forever and always ask Almighty Allah, saying, “O Allah grant us the opportunit­y to witness Ramadan many times.”

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