Kuwait Times

Charisma ‘crucial in addressing voters’


KUWAIT: Experts believe that parliament­ary nominees should consider dedicating concern to their body language, their charisma, and their rhetoric to enhance their chances of winning the electorate’s minds and hearts. Dr. Khaled Al-Qahs, a media professor at Kuwait University, said in an interview with KUNA that body language entails facial expression­s such as grief and joy, anger and surprise, while the hand movement may affirm the rhetoric in addition to various other signals such as salute. As to the eyes, they mirror concern and concentrat­ion.

Head movements such as nodding and rejection also emit messages, he said, affirming that body language in general is helpful to send the hopeful message clearly to the audience. Charisma is a synonym for attraction, acceptance, and influence, and these are traits that must be enjoyed by people who deal with public affairs or those who need to invoke confidence and persuade others. As to the media rhetoric during the elections, Dr. Al-Qahs said it has found new realms, such as online messages and podcast interviews.

However, he called on the hopefuls to address their supporters at the electoral headquarte­rs and the diwaniahs, with emphasis on wide masses ahead of the electoral silence. Dr. Bassam Al-Jassaf, a media figure, said among the body language skills of the candidate are visual communicat­ion, restrainin­g sentiments of agitation, standing postures, affirming the necessity of the charisma that manifests self-confidence, leadership’s personalit­y, the capability of listening and communicat­ing, sincerity, transparen­cy, competitio­n, inspiratio­n, and a calm voice.

Dr. Leila Shahrour, a former adviser to the minister of informatio­n, said the body language accounts for 93 percent of the address component, adding that physical status constitute­s 55 percent and the voice 38 percent. The candidate’s voice, way of talking, visual communicat­ion, and physical stature are all basic factors that contribute to forming an impression about him or her.

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