Kuwait Times

Desperate to dodge dengue, Argentines run out of repellent


BUENOS AIRES: Insect repellent has become a hot commodity in Argentina, which is besieged by dengue-carrying mosquitoes and facing shortages that have sparked supermarke­t brawls, rations and homemade concoction­s. The country is one of the worst hit by an outbreak of dengue sweeping Latin America and the Caribbean, attributed to a muggy summer that has been intensifie­d by the El Nino climate phenomenon. The outbreak in the middle of an economic crisis, in a country with strict importatio­n controls, has led to a severe shortage of mosquito repellents.

Some businesses have opened dedicated WhatsApp channels to tell clients when they get some in. Others impose rations of three products per person. In one viral video, a man appears in a park surrounded by a cloud of mosquitos, explaining how a mixture of water and low-cost local shampoo brand Plusbelle repels the flying pests.

“I did everything homemade,” said Laura Di Costa, 56, who was unable to find repellent and ended up in the hospital with dengue, which causes joint and bone pain, earning it the nickname “breakbone fever.” Dengue can provoke hemorrhagi­c fever in severe cases, and death. “I try not to go out much, I don’t take my grandchild­ren to the park so as not to be in the grass,” added Di Costa.

With 129 deaths so far this year, Argentina has seen a ten-fold increase compared to the same period last year, according to official figures. Brazil has seen an 81 percent increase in cases, the biggest in the region, according to the Pan American Health Organizati­on, which has recorded 3.5 million cases — triple what was seen in 2023. “Probably this will be the worst dengue season (in the region),” said Jarbas Barbosa, director of the Pan American Health Organizati­on.

 ?? — AFP photos ?? BUENOS AIRES: A sign reading “No Repellent Available” is displayed on the dengue fever cases.
— AFP photos BUENOS AIRES: A sign reading “No Repellent Available” is displayed on the dengue fever cases.
 ?? ?? A worker sprays chemicals to combat mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever in a park.
A worker sprays chemicals to combat mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever in a park.

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